a_slytherin @ 2003-04-20 19:50:00

Current mood: giddy

The greatest amount of power within a golf swing comes from the torque created within the body.

When loading up during the backswing it is essential to make the proper amount of shoulder turn - up to 90 degrees. If a 90 degree turn can be achieved then your back should be facing directly toward the target at the top of your swing. This creates power as the body is coiled up and then released through the downswing motion. Strong legs, back and abdominal muscles will help increase the strength of this uncoiling process.


a_slytherin @ 2003-04-20 06:04 pm UTC

Like the grip, hand position during the set-up can change ball flight dramatically. Lower shots, higher shots, fades, draws etc. are all influenced by hand position.
When we speak of 'hand position' we are referring to the height of the hands at address. Otherwise explained, the distance of the golfer's hands from the golfer's body and their position from left to right relative to the centre of the body. It is a good idea to experiment with different hand positions to see which positions result in what kind of shot for your swing.
Some general rules follow:
A forward press or moving of the hands ahead of the club head at address will lower the trajectory of a shot.

Moving the hands further away from the body or reaching out to the ball may create fades or slices.

Lifting the hands so your arms become more of a direct extension straight down the shaft of the club will allow the club to turn over more and therefore reduce slices, remove a fade or even create a draw or hook depending on other swing characteristics.
The best place to begin is a hand position that includes the following:
Hands hanging directly down from your shoulders.

Hands that are lined up even with the golf ball.

Hands that are not raised, but allow for a slight angle to be created in the wrists.
The rest is up to you - experimentation and practice to achieve the desired shot at the appropriate time.

just_harry @ 2003-04-20 06:50 pm UTC

Okay, first I want to know why you took my book. And second, you know, that hurt! And third, who are you? And fourth, I'm still missing about twenty pages and so can I have them back please?

potterstinks @ 2003-04-20 06:54 pm UTC

Yeah, Zabini, I'm still waiting for the stunning conclusion. How am I to sleep when I don't know if the results of the sample game were a bogie or a stomey?

Potter, this is who you get mugged by? How are you still alive?

a_slytherin @ 2003-04-20 06:56 pm UTC

The foregoing is not intended to downplay the importance of the setup and it should be mentioned that achieving a good setup position is essential in helping any golfer reach a balanced and powerful impact position.


just_harry @ 2003-04-20 07:02 pm UTC

Yeah, thanks for all your help with that. It's from your house so you deal with it.

potterstinks @ 2003-04-20 07:08 pm UTC

My, aren't we testy. What crawled inside your Easter basket and died?

just_harry @ 2003-04-20 07:16 pm UTC

My Easter was just fine. And I guess yours was just fine too.

Can you get the pages from it so I can return the book?

potterstinks @ 2003-04-20 07:25 pm UTC

Actually, my Easter was wretched, but of course you already knew that.

I stalked it with a golf club for you, what do you want me to do? Bleed?

just_harry @ 2003-04-20 07:36 pm UTC

I bet we know where it lives. We can try again on Wednesday when I get back.

potterstinks @ 2003-04-20 07:48 pm UTC

Well gee, Potter, seeing as it's in my House and all, I wouldn't want you to have to go out of your way to get your book back.

just_harry @ 2003-04-20 07:53 pm UTC

Well, if you want to get it back yourself, that's fine too.

potterstinks @ 2003-04-20 08:03 pm UTC

I'm not getting attacked just for your book. You're going.

Oh, and incidentally, I do hope you've managed to stay out of the alcohol this time around.

a_slytherin @ 2003-04-20 08:09 pm UTC

Given the foregoing, when lining up the bunker shot it is good practise to address the sand rather than the ball itself. This ensures proper aim at the impact point.

a_slytherin @ 2003-04-20 07:30 pm UTC

Having the knowledge and discipline to think of this "smarter shot" is one thing. Having the courage to swallow that machismo and hit a shorter shot than your fellow players is perhaps more difficult. However, if you try and avoid the long pitch shots and plan your shots in advance so that you can hit full swings into the greens rather than half or three quarter swings you will find you play a better game.
