i made a new journal for it.
ok bye.
only i dont know when school is over, and i hate
why is it quiet on the ceilnig/
turpinol @ 2003-08-29 11:50 am UTC |
I agree.
a_slytherin @ 2003-08-29 02:51 pm UTC |
have you a cat?
turpinol @ 2003-08-29 03:01 pm UTC |
No. I have a toad. Why do you ask?
a_slytherin @ 2003-08-29 03:02 pm UTC |
to bad
erniemacmillan @ 2003-08-29 02:59 pm UTC |
What's that supposed to mean? If that's a code, it's not very good.
a_slytherin @ 2003-08-29 03:02 pm UTC |
orange you glad
erniemacmillan @ 2003-08-29 03:04 pm UTC |
Man! That icon is sick! Where'd you get it?
goyle @ 2003-08-31 10:23 pm UTC |
just gett of mae futt, zabini
a_slytherin @ 2003-09-01 07:45 am UTC |
um i have never even seen your foot.
goyle @ 2003-09-01 11:21 pm UTC |
thets becos yor stud onn et