artistic_flower @ 2004-05-31 07:30:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
I'd now like to take a moment to join the throng of my peers who all have no idea what they're going to do in a month's time, when school ends. Actually, I do know what I'm going to do, but I don't know what career path I'm going to follow. As far as what I'm going to do goes, my sister and I have agreed to share a flat in London. Then again, we haven't told our parents yet that we're to stay in England, and remain single women for the time being. Well, myself at least, though I can't say the same for Parvati. It's a big decision of us to have made, and perhaps almost a safe decision, but I can't see myself living without her. Not to begin with, at least! Independence will come one day, hopefully before senility.
As far as what future I'd like to pursue, well. I'd quite like to take a position at the art gallery, as predictable as I feel this is. However, I don't believe they'll be needing anyone, especially with Summer coming up and all the school students looking for holiday work. Perhaps it is below me to not try and do something that nurtures my skills. I have this romantic idea of working a boring, nine to five job, five days a week, and then having a jewellery stall on the weekends. Making necklaces while I am trying to eat dinner and probably losing beads in my food. Parvati will vouch for this already, I fear.
As strange as it may be to say this, I will miss my housemates. They have never been close friends, but nonetheless, I have shared my personal space with them for the last seven years of my life. They have seen how terribly neatly I keep all my things, and have teased me about dates and drawings and all sorts of things, so in that way I suppose they feel somewhat like family. I'm sure the school would be delighted to hear me speak of my fellow Ravenclaws as family. House unity, and the like. Well, there you have it.
I have not been the best at updating this thing because more often than not I find myself taking on the role of the observer. I only hope I can still find the kinds of emotions that I've witnessed on these things once I have left school. Then again, living in a house with Parvati, I'm sure it's possible. I'm sure we'll quite possibly kill each other, in that loving family kind of way.
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2004-05-31 04:50 am UTC |
I didn't know Parvati invited you to have a flat with us ^_^ But that's ok, we'll have fun!! I'm having my room done in pink, okies?
artistic_flower @ 2004-05-31 04:54 am UTC |
Actually, to be honest, you didn't come up in conversation, Lavender. Parvati and I have been anticipating a flatmate but I'd have to speak to her before saying anything, really.
(parent)pinkstarsgirlie @ 2004-05-31 05:03 am UTC |
You've spoken to me before (",) We're speaking right now too~! ^_~ Don't worry, my daddy told me he'll help out with rent and repairwork and stuffs, Parvie and I have had this planned for ages! It's all taken care of! :>
(parent)artistic_flower @ 2004-05-31 05:11 am UTC |
You planned it when you were twelve or so, did you not?
(parent)pinkstarsgirlie @ 2004-05-31 05:14 am UTC |
So? We mentioned it lots of times. If you're going to have a third flatmate why not me? :|
(parent)artistic_flower @ 2004-05-31 05:27 am UTC |
I don't believe you and I could tolerate each other, Lavender. I'm not overly fond of pink, and that's just to begin with.