blondenarcissa @ 2003-04-28 17:56:00 |
Current mood: | worried |
The mediwizard left not too terribly long ago and I am ready now to settle into a frame of mind where I can concentrate solely on my child. I know he is so very distraught after the meeting he had with his father and I on Saturday morning and I feel badly for him. I tried to speak up and defend him but Lucius was certainly in control of that particular family meeting.
Because of his actions in his school journal on Friday evening, Lucius informed him that he would be meeting with his parents as the Malfoy Manor at precisely ten o'clock in the morning on Saturday. As I am still officially residing temporarily at Dogear Wryde, Lucius took to owling me about the appointment.
I arrived at the Manor not long before Draco arrived. I scarcely had any time to fawn over my Little Dragon before Lucius whisked up all into the topiary garden in the indoor greenhouse on the third floor just down the corridor from the Victorian ballroom. He claims that we were taking our meeting there because he wanted to be free of any eavesdropping house elves but I know better. Lucius rather fancies the giant basilisk-shaped bush. I've seen him attempting to practice Parsletongue on it before. (Silly darling, he can't even speak that dreadfully unattractive language!).
At any rate, after exchanging a few pleasantries, Lucius demanded that Draco attempt to explain his actions to us. After hearing our son's version of the events, his father informed him that he could not appear hostile to such a person as Harry Potter. He is, after all, very polite and such a nice young man. Throughout the course of the conversation Lucius revealed to Draco that he was to take up employment for the summer holiday to earn a salary of all things! Why, he even decreed that our son shall have to pay rent at the Manor during Summer hols! I tried to put my foot down at that but Lucius would have none of that!
"Lucius," I said, "I don't want my Little Dragon to get callouses!"
Draco, the darling, ever in agreement with his mother, added, "I don't want her Little Dragon to get callouses, either!"
Clearly Lucius did not care about the state of my son's delicate skin. He told me that there were charms to remove such things.
"But the skin KNOWS," I had protested vehemently, "It KNOWS it has been MARRED. Skin is a very unforgiving and spiteful entity."
I was then told to attend to my martini.
Well. Mind it I did NOT. It was ever so appealing in the new Romanian crystal that I had picked up in Paris a few weeks ago but resist it I DID.
Lucius insisted that Draco find a job suitable for a Malfoy. Becoming a barrister was discuss and my husband even offered to give Draco a few names of those he could contact. My son, ever the ambitious one, said that he would rather straight away be the Minister of Magic. I myself find that to be a very grand idea! Imagine me, the mother of the Minister of Magic! Why, I can just see it now. . .the balls, the soirees. . .the attention. Oh, but Draco would be a very dashing Minister indeed. Rather like Gilderoy Lockhart without the amnesia!
Before we parted ways, Draco insisted that he would not be offering a public apology of any sort. I must confess that I was not paying full attention to this part of the conversation as Lucius told me and Draco confirmed that my lipstick had faded. It put me into a tizzy, I am afraid.
Draco was dismissed and Lucius and I had a bit of a small row concerning the entire issue of a young Malfoy forced to find some sort of job. Lucius bade me mind my tongue lest he decide to insist that Draco mow the lawn at the Manor the Muggle way! With no elektrikil mower! With something one must push. The poor darling would keel over dead if he had to take care of all the grass at the Manor! I've even included a photo of the Manor so you can see for yourself what a chore it would be!
How dreadful!
I was very glad to return to Dogear Wryde, although I was a bit upset that I could not find Draco to bid him farewell for the weekend.
I must now compose an owl post to him. I am ever so worried about him.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Lucius bought me the cutest Chalet in Switzerland and a puppy! Aren't they both ever so darling?