blondenarcissa @ 2003-07-03 20:47:00

Current mood: stressed

It is so nice to have the Manor full with both of the men I love again. Poor Lucius has been plagued by the portraits all week for some reason that neither of us can quite figure out. Draco has bravely threatened them with turpentine but they do not seem to find it much of a threat. If this keeps up, I fear we shall have to turn them to face the walls and that would look terrible.

This morning I had a nice, long chat with Draco about the state of my house-elf. Poor Dacey is absolutely miserable. Draco knows that they do hate being told not to punish themselves, which I understand is why he does it and though it is clever, I do need my house-elf as she is well suited for me and I would hate to get another. I was quite firm with him, as Empowering Yourself said that I should be, but I fear I was too firm! He said that Dacey had started it and began to remind me of the time he fell down an invisible staircase and our old elf Dobby did a terrible job with healing the wound on his leg. My poor Drakiedo still has a scar, so of course I understand why he feels so irate towards house-elves. I of course felt terribly for being so hard on him when my sweet darling dragon has just been through a terrible ordeal.

Any child that has been involved in a trauma is certain to act out when it is over and of course I should have understood this and I immediately apologised. I am so angry with myself for taking my child to task when all that has happened at Hogwarts is still so fresh on everyone's minds. Oh, my poor Draco, I do hope he can forgive me. He said that he did but there may be years of suffering and hurt hidden behind those eyes and it shall be all my fault for interfering too soon.

I must have a lie down. Lucius has brought me the most thoughtful, wonderful gift which I must inspect at once.

