blondenarcissa @ 2003-07-09 10:04:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
The Summer holiday is still very young indeed and yet I feel as though so much has happened. Why, just the other week I had been so paranoid that my husband and son wanted nothing to do with me that I had taken to colouring my hair and going out in public acting rather almost like some sort of Muggle. A well-dressed, well-connected Muggle, but a Muggle nonetheless. I shudder at the thought that I had gone out in public in that manner; I was quite frankly reaching the rock bottomness of my wits and hadn't enough energy to devise a better plan with which I would go see Draco play in that very important Quidditch match.
Naturally in light of the events that had transpired at Hogwarts I do not consider my temporary lapses in good judgement concerning attire and the like to be what everyone should fret about.
Some students at Hogwarts died as a result of what had happened at the school. I should focus on this and remember the fact that my Little Dragon wasn't hurt. The only thing that had been wrong with my darling son had been as a direct result of an altercation with the youngest Weasley boy. Lucius and myself have owled Ronald Weasley's parents about the matter but I daresay that not much communication has been occured between the Malfoys and the Weasleys. In a way I pity them; they obviously spawned a litter of lackluster, deranged children with very low expectations for their life.
Perhaps Arthur and Molly ought to consider sending the brood to the Marie Dubois Peltier Pediatric Wing at St. Mungo's for check-ups once it is completed. I do believe that there will be Healers qualified to properly treat those with a diminished mental capacity and, therefore, their children will be in good hands and finally get the treatment they ought to..
In any case, I agreed to return to the Manor for the duration of the Summer holidays. Lucius and I picked Draco up at the train station and it was all I could do not to turn a shade of red whence I discovered that my son was very interested in watching the Muggles who were at the station to retrieve Harry Potter. Harry's Muggles did not seem to me as though they would be very supportive and interested in having the young man stay at their home, not to mention that nearly the lot of them (save for the equine-like woman) could bear to lose a few stones. I would have thought that the boy would be able to stay with Remus and Sirius but one never can tell what the Ministry is thinking or how they come to reason situations out. I shall have to owl Remus later on this afternoon to see how he is faring. I know that if I found myself in this situation, I would go mad being separated from my child.
Hera Peligroso arrived at the Manor with Echo after that horribly stressful weekend that I spent in Hogsmeade. Since I enjoy her company so very much I had asked her to stay on for a bit. I sense that Lucius and Draco are only tolerating her for my sake but I do not care in the least! The woman is nearly a mind-reader and I trust her judgement implicitly. Due to a few family obligations, she departed last evening with promises to return in a few days. I do hope that the time passes rather quickly.
Draco's apparation examination is rapidly approaching and I will be pleased when he passes it at last. He has been so very edgy lately and I am afraid that, although he insists it is so, the portraits are not treating him any differently than they ever have before. They simply are overjoyed that their young master is home for holidays and take pride in discussing his presense. If he would take a stand and tell the portraits how he was feeling, perhaps he would learn this for himself and be comforted. I shall not tell him what to do, however, as he must come to this conclusion by himself, for himself.
I've tried calling for Dacey for the past half hour but she has yet to come to my beckon. The poor thing has been overly anxious the past few days and I am growing afraid that I may have to call in an animagipsychologist to soothe her.
If she does not come soon I do not know what I shall do. I've an intensely strange desire for a bit of a milk tray and, even more revolting, butterbeer and I want it now. I've felt terribly faint and queasy for the better part of the morning and now that I actually want a spot of food, I cannot manage to locate my house elf!
This is unacceptable.
lupercus @ 2003-07-09 11:31 am UTC |
Do you need lend of a house-elf? Weetzie is still quite fond of you.
Are you feeling all right?
- Remus
blondenarcissa @ 2003-07-09 11:59 am UTC |
I was just about to send off an owl post to you. I've been terribly concerned about you and I've not heard anything from Dogear Wryde since the Summer holidays begin. I do hope you are holding up alright; I know how you must be feeling right now.
If you are willing to lend me Weetzie, perhaps you should like to take Dacey for a while? I suspect that a change of scenery might do her well and she was quite fond of you and the house elves at Dogear Wryde.
I am feeling a bit better than I was this morning but that is not to say very much at all. I am either too hot or too cold and I've been eating the most strange bits of food as of late. Foods that contain calories. Calories, Remus! I am afraid I may be coming down with something. Do not worry about me. I'll be fine.
Later on in the week would you like to meet? It sounds as though you (and Rosie) could use the company.
lupercus @ 2003-07-09 12:21 pm UTC |
I am as well as can be expected, Narcissa, with my family everywhere but here. I am becoming very familiar with every creak and groan of this old house as it settles into itself, and I fear I might also begin to creak and groan in much the same manner.
Weetzie is delighted to come and assist you, I've asked her and she's quite chuffed at the idea. I will send her along straight away, and Dacey is more than welcome here. I'm afraid I'm quite boring but perhaps boring is precisely what she needs.
Narcissa - I suspect you might have indeed come down with something. I would urge you to pay St Mungo's a visit, as soon as possible. For you to have such an appetite - well, it's unusual, to say the least.
And of course, feel free to drop in for a vi
lupercus @ 2003-07-09 12:24 pm UTC |
My apologies for my reply being cut off, Narcissa. I was interrupted by a Seamus Finnigan Apparating on my head. It made it quite difficult to type.
As I was saying, feel free to drop in for a visit anytime. I trust your aim is better.
- Remus
blondenarcissa @ 2003-07-09 12:38 pm UTC |
I'm just glad that you were not hurt! I was terribly concerned there for a moment!
I shall send Dacey along in a few moments; she seems very enamoured with the idea of a 'vacation'.
With Mr. Finnigan visiting you at the moment, I would not want to intrude. Later this evening, perhaps?
lupercus @ 2003-07-09 12:49 pm UTC |
I apologise for worrying you. The perils of the newly-licensed for Apparation, I fear. I daresay you will find it interesting once Draco is able to do it.
I'll put Dacey in the west wing. It is quiet, and she will get on well with the portraits there.
You are never an intrusion, my dear. You may visit whenever you like. I think Seamus is looking for refuge from his mother at the moment, so he will probably be here for a bit. I don't mind a house full of people, of course. I need all the visitors I can get.
- Remus
blondenarcissa @ 2003-07-09 01:05 pm UTC |
I shall be over after tea, then. I've a few errands to run so I must be off but I do look forward to seeing you this evening.