blondenarcissa @ 2004-03-02 11:34:00

Current mood: annoyed

My, how time flies when one's social and business calender is filled! I can scarcely believe that February has come and gone already! Admittedly I shall not miss that particular month as it was ever so dreary and did not provide me with acceptable daytime lighting. On some occasions while I was out and about tending to various business matters, I was forced to actually conjure naturalistic, flattering light to bathe my alabaster skin and lend my frame a soft, diffused halo when making important points to my company.

The horror!

No socialite/respected business-witch should ever have to resort to such measures to ensure proper lighting, let along a Malfoy at that! Why, the dim light of February's days could have given me permanent damage.

I may have to look into this matter further. Mayhap there is a witch or wizard skilled in Elemental Magic who is jealous of the enigma that is moi and wishes to punish me for my natural beauty. There shall be inquiries via owls sent this afternoon after my session with Gunther.

In the meantime, I shall take up the latest Diana Prevaleça text - Accepting What Travesties Foes Hex Your Way and Transfiguring Them Into Assets - and have a martini.

Draco, I shall be sending you a parcel this afternoon with those chocolate biscuits you favour, socks knitted from golden fleece that I had commissioned just for you, and a new pair of dragon hide gloves. Do let me know if you require anything more. Your father and I are pleased to gift you with whatever you need.

Remus, do send me an owl, won't you? I should like to visit you soon if you have time. You are keeping busy preparing for the opening of your shoppe, are you not?

