blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 22:00:00

Current mood:shiny.
Current music:shiny?

He has left and that is fine with me. Everyone has left. Draco is back at school. He went to Paris. He went to where only Merlin knows and that is quite all right. He distressed me. He has for some time although I can never say as much to him. He took Dacey from me.

I am alone.

I am not alone.

I have Kiki but she is not Dacey. She only brought me two olives in my martinis and even though she keeps bringing them to me and I keep telling her that I prefer three and not two she still does not bring me a proper drink.

Dacey would have known but that matters not. She is no more. I shouldn't feel sorry as it could have very well been Draco but the aim was off or so he says and thank Merlin for that I feel lightheaded and need another martini I think I am a bit how does Lucius say shiny?

I ache.


purestblood @ 2004-05-02 08:56 pm UTC

Narcissa. Go to bed. I'll send Gunther in to take care of you. I'm sorry to hear that I've distressed you; I know of nothing that can rectify that situation.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 09:08 pm UTC

That's right. Send someone else to do the things you ought to do yourself.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 09:11 pm UTC

I tried to take care of both you and Draco. However, my efforts did not live up to your standards, and I thought I'd spare you the distress of seeing me, seeing as I so strongly resemble my father these days.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 09:12 pm UTC

You should have tried harder.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 09:14 pm UTC

No matter what I did, or have done, it wouldn't have been enough, would it? Very well. You win. You'll get what you want.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 09:15 pm UTC

What is it that I want, Lucius? Do you know what that is? Do you really?

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 09:17 pm UTC

You've told me and I've tried to give it to you. I even let you go off and take some time away so that you could travel about the States and other places. It wasn't enough, Narcissa, and I see now that it will never be. I'll never live up to your expectations of me and, quite frankly, I'm tired of trying. I'll start the arrangments tomorrow.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 09:18 pm UTC

What are you talking about?

Are you mad?

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 09:27 pm UTC

I never wanted you to try, you know.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 09:32 pm UTC

You 'let' me go off? 'Let' me? I went of my own accord, if you remember correctly.

This house-elf is unacceptable, Edwardus. She takes entirely too much time when bringing me my martinis and she still is only bringing glasses with two olives and I want THREE and I don't think she's a very loyal sort and if he hadn't went about wanting to prove a point I'd still have Dacey and he shouldn't have come here in the first place so if its arrangements you want, arrangements you shall have as obviously you prefer the Ritz and Gunther to the company of your own wife and I'm so tired so tired the deux is eating away at me and why are you not home?

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 09:43 pm UTC

It wasn't enough for him to just be a presence was it he had to galivant around and no amount of nervous chatter betwixt Tinka and I could drown out the sound I remember from so long ago when it rang merrily through the land as they overpowered those who felt differently and I could feel the energy I know you could as well I don't think I've ever been so frightened I thought something went horribly wrong and if it did would not be able to forgive myself and I am just as tired of that as I am of your trying when you never had to do so as you are my heart but I suppose that doesn't matter now so I will expect an owl of some sort tomorrow is that all right Lucius?

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 09:46 pm UTC

Edwar Lucid Lucius clearluy you did nlot procure enought voidka or Kikii iks impertineant as she is refuiksking to give mje f anythnik g else to drinki and so i am off to myki chamb ners i lvoe youi

goyle @ 2004-05-05 08:09 am UTC

missus malfoy yu spel lyk me noaw! du yu need yor buks bak????
