blushcrush @ 2003-04-24 08:03:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
I am sixteen!
I had the loveliest birthday I've ever had! It doesn't matter at all that most of it was spent on the Hogwarts Express coming back to school. Ron, Hermione, Cho, and I had a compartment to ourselves and Hermione bought out the whole trolley of sweets for us all. I got up just once to say hello to Soblessa at the back of the train and when I came back there were balloons and confetti bursting out of the compartment - and there were presents! Dad gave me a refrigimerator, which he got on one of his raids. Apparently someone had cursed it to spit out ice chunks at the Muggles who owned it, so Dad took it and took it apart, then put it back together again, like he tends to do. It's big, boxy, and pink, and apparently it's supposed to keep things cold, but the ice cream Mum had put inside melted, and Dad said he'd taken the plugs anyway, so I think I'll just use it as a closet or something. There are shelves and it came stuck all over with magnettes, but they only stick to the refidgermater. Mum made my favourite breakfast for us, I got a card from Bill and a poem from Charlie, and I opened gifts from Percy (a Transfiguration book and a note... um, I'm really not certain Percy has read the community in... months), the twins (a sweet-looking doll with red hair that calls you nasty names, which is really very funny, it called Charlie... well, never mind, it wasn't very nice, but it told me what sixty-nine means and I am really glad I found out before I asked Professor Vector!), Cho (a book of Chinese fairy tales! It's just perfect and lovely, but it's in Chinese so she has to read them out loud to me), and Ron.
Ron got me a NIMBUS 2000!!!!
He spent his Gringotts on it and he and Cho have been sneaking around with it behind my back for days! It's customised so it says Nimbus 2204 (for 22nd April!!) on it and it has ribbons and streamers! I flew on it as much as I could yesterday. It's so fast. Once I started flying too high, though, and it beeped really loudly and said, "YOU ARE FLYING TOO HIGH. THIS IS AN AUTOMATED WARNING." And it repeated it until I flew lower! Ron says he put a parachute on it, too, but I haven't seen the paracute yet. Flying is getting so easy now! I want to practise Quidditch as much as possible 'cos I was thinking I might go out for the Quidditch team next year. I'm not certain yet, though. I'll have to think about it a little more. Hermione's been talking about flying lately too. I've hardly ever seen her on a broom, and I said she could borrow my Nimbus 2000 whenever she wants, but she said it was all right. Maybe she'll get her own broom. She said she wasn't too fond of flying before we did the egg hunt, but she was talking with Ron about Quidditch on the train, so maybe she likes it more than she ever let on. Cho's going to give me more Quidditch lessons. I can't wait!
I'm really sixteen now!!! Mum and Dad seem sad but it's the most brilliant thing ever. Sixteen is really grown-up. It's really too grown up for braids, so I reckon I might stop wearing them. I can't believe I'm finally growing up. I'm flying without a broom. The world is so lovely.
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2003-04-24 07:25 am UTC |
It also turns into a pillow if you fall! I stole Percy's pillow for it but don't tell him. Happy birthday, Gin, I think you should stop growing now curlface!
missgranger @ 2003-04-24 03:56 pm UTC |
I'm happy you enjoyed your birthday, Ginny. Having a party certainly made the trip back to Hogwarts go by faster. Do you think I could attend your Quidditch lessons with you? Just to listen.
![]() blushcrush @ 2003-04-25 03:51 am UTC |
I bet that'd be fine Hermione! You could borrow a school broom too, if you wanted to fly. Thank you again for the party, it was really nice of you, too bad we left the compartment in such a mess!