blushcrush @ 2003-12-27 18:18:00

Current mood:merry
Current music:The Lost Boys - I Do Believe In Fairies

Hermione's house!
Thank you all again for the lovely Christmas gifts! Twins, how do I stop this thing singing? I left it at home under my pillow to try and muffle it; I couldn't get it turned off! I imagine it's still droning on.

Lucky thing I came to Hermione's, really, 'cos I was able to take over stirring for her first thing and let the poor dear get some sleep! At first she said no, 'cos she only had four hours of constant stirring left and I do think she wanted to finish her marathon, but it didn't take much coaxing to turn it over to me! I've only seen eye-bags like that once, and they were on me, first year! Ugh, completely horrid! (No offence, of course, Hermione!) So I sat in the kitchen chatting with Mrs Granger while Hermione collapsed, and we talked all night while I monitored and stirred! It was really quite fun -- at about half four in the morning, we had some cider, and they had their fairy lights around their kitchen window glowing; such a cheery, cosy feeling! It hadn't been quite nine hours when Hermione emerged, looking much better as she'd gotten to shower as well, and I went to take a nap in Hermione's room (it's pale yellow, and perfectly bookish!) until lunch, and then afterwards we both freshened up, opened our Christmas presents to each other (we both exchanged journals, as previously decided, and they're not magical ones, I promise, Mum and Dad; I got a darling one with a tiny lock and key with the key on a silver chain necklace and I got her one with pressed flowers in it while I was out and about with Pansy, whose taste in these things is rather impeccable!), and bundled up to head over to St Mungo's to see Professor Lupin and Harry.

Dear Professor Lupin gave me a new set of knitting needles for Christmas (they're awfully nice, they seem sort of expensive!) and yarn bewitched to change colour as you knit! Of course, you'll never know what sort of hat you'll end up with when you knit with that! While we were there I suggested to Professor Lupin that he might take up knitting while he's kept there, it helps to pass the time and it gives you something to do with your hands, but I don't think he was too keen on the idea. Why, my uncle knits! It's perfectly acceptable for a wizard to knit his loved ones little slippers. Anyway, Harry was sitting in a chair right next to Professor Lupin in such a way that he seemed rather like he was part of the chair, and again I mean no offence, but the bags under his eyes! He needed a bit of sunshine and fresh air, Hermione and I decided, so we knotted a scarf around his neck, stuffed him into a cloak, and pulled him down Diagon Alley until he came 'round! It's dreadfully hard to stay glum for long around Fred and George, so we dropped by first thing. After that, a stop at the apothecary for Hermione, a stop at QQS for me, a bit of ice cream and a bit of window-shopping, and then we spotted my very own brother (you cannot mistake the hair!) rounding the corner up Knockturn Alley.

Naturally we were alarmed at what Percy of all people was doing sneaking up such a dodgy street, so we went to go say hullo but he seemed rather grumpy. I have seen that look on his face quite a few times before, so I knew not to bother him further, but Percy, do you mind telling us where you were going with that gigantic key ring? You must have had a thousand keys on there. Awfully official-looking! Have you been promoted and not told us? Surely you weren't meeting some hag over your lunch break! If so, I'm afraid I must have a word with Penny!

Life without magic isn't so difficult. I mean, I'm not of age yet so I couldn't use it either way, but I'm so used to everyone else in my family being able to whip something up with a wave of their wand. It's peaceful and slow and warm here. There's a telly in the other room but it's never on, and books are always cracked open over chairs and tables. Four people have telefoned so far from getting their teeth broken by fruitcake! How terrible (but good for business at the same time, as I understand)! Apparently they had even more than that last year! Why do people make fruitcake? Today I helped make a pudding and Hermione and I kept to the kitchen table, knitting the frumpiest house socks we can manage, and Mr Granger's planning on taking us to the cinema tomorrow -- if we're good girls! Mr Granger's awfully funny. He keeps staring at my teeth. Hermione says he doesn't mean anything by it but I'm quite sure one of my turned-in teeth is bothering the poor man.


perfectprefect @ 2003-12-28 02:15 am UTC

Dear Virginia,

That was official business for the Minister of Magic and it is not to be discussed with those outside of the Ministry. I am a very busy man, as you may know, and did not have time to stop and chat.

Your brother,

blushcrush @ 2003-12-28 12:43 pm UTC

So have you been promoted, Percy? Go on!
