boot_boy @ 2003-06-10 00:16:00

Just got back from Hogsmeade. Purchased 65 Silk Souffles at Honeyduke's as per instructions from my lady-love. Made Thomas help me carry them back to school. In his distracted state, he absent-mindedly ate six of them. The resultant sugar overload made him hysterical and he has been experimenting with my makeup, without a lot of success. Have just finished owling the last Souffle to Millicent. A job well done if I do say so myself.

Professor Sinistra, j'accuse! My black glitter eyeliner is missing and I suspect you of being the culprit.

Lisa Turpin is taking up three couches in the common room with her books. On schedule for tomorrow: Kneecaps. Ireland.


sinistra @ 2003-06-09 10:05 pm UTC

Mr Boot. Curious, curious Mr Boot. Today is Monday, a class day, and you were in Hogsmeade at noon. It is always refreshing to see a student playing hookey in entire nonchalance. Be that as it may I do not have your eyeliner.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-09 10:06 pm UTC

What have you done to the other 58 of them.

Or are you planning to owl them to me individually.

Anyway. Kneecaps.

Chop chop.

M. B.

boot_boy @ 2003-06-10 07:02 am UTC

I owled them all individually. I had to use all the birds in the Owlery but nothing is too good for my dark goddess, heart of my heart.

Just don't give all the Souffles to Malfoy, is all I ask.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-10 01:41 pm UTC

I see they all decided to fly in together instead of one by one like normal birds do.

Are you accusing me of charity towards the handicapped, Boot.

M. B.

turpinol @ 2003-06-10 12:25 am UTC

I left you an ottoman.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-10 05:18 am UTC

I was expressing myself through cosmetics. It's not a matter of failure or sucess. It is art.