deanthomas @ 2004-06-22 21:07:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Had a fantastic lie-in today. Good thing, too, as tomorrow there are apparently MORE written exams. Ugh. Good thing my hands are already nastily calloused, because if not they'd sure be well on their way by tomorrow night.
Yesterday wasn't too bad, though. I admit I was a bit disappointed the Headmaster didn't wear his red striped beanie. Always been a favourite of mine. Alas. I suffer narration sickness, I think, in that I tend to remember most things I read or hear. It's the practical exam that I'll likely flub up spectacularly.
If there is flubbage, I guess I don't have to be too worried about the fallout. Learned this weekend that I was accepted at Goldsmiths, so it looks like it's art school for me after all, where I can spend my days scribbling up portraits with those dark backgrounds Harry likes so much.
So there it is: a plan.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-22 07:35 pm UTC |
I think it's brilliant, and I am so proud of you, and hey, we'll be in London together which will be very convenient.
Tomorrow won't be too bad either. And then it's only a few more exams and then packing and then we'll be gone. And I don't think you will flub anything practical, because you are a practical person. So there. And I know that you will do very well on the Charms.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-22 07:42 pm UTC |
Right, right. Where you will have to endure the ways of non-Castle life. Won't you miss suits of armour, hordes of house elves, and doxy-infested tapestries? I can't say I ever got used to them. A two bedroom muggle house in West Ham has none of those things, after all.
Heh, thanks for the vote of confidence, though we both know you'll blaze through them and suffer no flubbage whatsoever. I will blaze through Charms--that's my goal, anyway.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-22 07:52 pm UTC |
There are NO doxies in our tapestries, thank you very much, and if Mum heard you say that she would tear you limb from limb, even if she does love you. And I liked your house.
I'm looking forward, actually, to not living in a castle. Lupin has leant me his flat to stay in while I'm looking for something else and you're welcome to stay as well, if you like. You know, while you're looking for something as well.
You will blaze through Charms, and I reckon do very well in Transfiguration. But I'm still afraid of plants.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-22 07:56 pm UTC |
I was talking about the tapestries here. Last week a doxy flew from a tapestry of Boris the Befuddled and tried to nest in my hair. Unamused, unamused.
Ah, right. The Chelsea place. Is Chelsea where you'll be looking for a non-castle abode of your own?
seamus_f @ 2004-06-22 08:03 pm UTC |
Everything tries to nest in your hair. I think that's why you like combing Leigheas so much.
Well, Chelsea can be a bit busy. And of course it's very Muggle, which means I'll have to keep converting my St Mungo's pay to pounds which is just putting galleons in the hands of the goblins. That of course, is assuming that I will pass which I have to keep saying I might not or something will come and strike me down for my pride.
So I don't really know. It's a bit daunting. What about you? Where would you look? But do stay with me, really as long as you like.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-22 08:09 pm UTC |
You will so pass. And I don't fear that I'll be struck down for saying such a thing because hey, it's true.
Hmm. Well, seeing as I'm going to a muggle school I suppose living in a very muggle place would be fine. But, you know, I'd hate to lose touch with the wizarding world. Think its possible to keep one foot in each?
Thanks for the invite. I'll take you up on that, definitely. I don't know... do you think we should look in the same area? Because London is huge and if you lived on one side and I on the other...
Cripes. I am already thinking like a muggle again and forgetting about Apparation.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-22 08:20 pm UTC |
I will let you believe it, and say it, and I will continue to be nervous and superstitious over here in the corner.
Well, as I quite literally keep one foot in each I would say, yes. We can both do it. There are some very lovely aspects of Muggle London.
I think we should look in the same area, absolutely. Actually, we could look at something even closer, perhaps. Though, with an Apparation lisence and a good fireplace nothing is very far away.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-22 08:28 pm UTC |
Do what you must. I will be around to say 'told you so' when you finally emerge from the corner.
Okay, sod it. Want to look for a place together? As in, a place for us?
Think we're ready for that?
![]() seamus_f @ 2004-06-22 08:38 pm UTC |
Given I ever do emerge, that is.
I don't know but HELL I'm glad you said it because I wanted to say it but I wasn't sure and I'm really trying so very hard not to be as pushy as I used to be and I don't want to make your mind up for you but if you want to do it then yes I very much would like to and I don't know if we're ready but I'll have a go won't you and maybe we're just as ready as we'll ever be because after all we've lived together for seven years now we're just getting rid of three other blokes so you already know that I'm messy and I already know that you like a lie-in so when I get up with the sun I'd never wake you up I'd just let you sleep and we'll have to work out what to do about food but there's always takeaway but maybe Mum can show us a thing or two over the summer that is if you'd like to go to Ireland this summer because after this I won't be living there for a long time and we can decorate the flat oh wouldn't that be lovely with your sense of colour and my taste oh it would be very nice and Remus says you always need a bedroom per person but we'd only need one bed so we can have the other room for your art and my books and things and with the conversion even the few galleons I'd make as an apprentice will go far in Muggle London and so I say yes yes yes yes yes.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-22 08:45 pm UTC |
You will. You have to emerge so we can find a flat. OUR flat.
Wow. So I guess that makes for a second plan. I've never made so many plans in such a short span of days, but I... yeah, let's do it, right?
It's going to be great. You were my best friend before you were anything else.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-22 08:52 pm UTC |
Our Flat.
It will need a name, I think, even if it is a flat. But we don't have to make the plan for the flat. We can look over the summer and we'll have time. Plenty of time!
It really is going to be great. I could never do it with anyone else. It is just as it should be.
wheresmytoad @ 2004-06-23 04:44 am UTC |
Well, speaking as one of the blokes you're getting rid of, I think it's a terrific idea, and I'm so glad you're going to do it! Well done, mates!
(parent)divineparvati @ 2004-06-23 02:17 am UTC |
(parent)wheresmytoad @ 2004-06-22 08:13 pm UTC |
I've got the plants covered, no worries.
Lupin's going to let you stay in his flat? That's jolly nice of him. If I decide on the St. Mungo's post, I've got a cousin in London I'll stay with while I'm looking for a place of my own. (He offered to let me stay there permanently, but he has a kneazle, and I'm allergic.)
seamus_f @ 2004-06-22 08:57 pm UTC |
I wish we could trade out places and you could take my Herbology and I'd take your Potions but there is no way we'd get away with that.
Which is unfair, I say.
wheresmytoad @ 2004-06-22 09:04 pm UTC |
Pity. I could go for that.
Maybe they'd let us average our scores between the two classes? We could ask. No harm in trying.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-22 09:15 pm UTC |
No, that won't do, as the average of my Herbology and Potions grades would likely NOT be an E.
Ah well. We'll just have to trust in whatever.
wheresmytoad @ 2004-06-22 07:35 pm UTC |
I got to lie in later than you. Ha. I probably ate more chocolate today than I have during the past month, too.
That's brilliant about the art school news. Since your future seems set, why not skip the rest of N.E.W.T.s entirely?
deanthomas @ 2004-06-22 07:45 pm UTC |
It's not like art school is really practical, though. Might need potions to fall back on.
Right. Can't believe I just wrote that.
wheresmytoad @ 2004-06-22 07:47 pm UTC |
I can't believe you wrote that, either.
(There's also the fact, of course, that if you did skip the rest of N.E.W.T.s, we'd be forced to kill you.)