goyle @ 2003-03-29 07:16:00

Current mood: artistic

national insult a slug day
this has bin an honurred tradishun thrugh the yers as ferst started by Elle Farfinkle twenty for yers ago wen she spent fortynine days insulting every slug in her garden

in honurr of this sacrerd day:

YOU - as said befor - yu smell. yu smel bad.

YOU - yor hair luks like hippogryff dung

YOU - no won lissens to yu, yu no...

YOU - yor sister is pritier than yu are

YOU - yor hair is pirty carnt think of a bad thing to say

YOU - yor a wet wimp and the pot-head wil never like yu cuz yor sniffly and weerd

YOU - cho mayks a beter yu but thats not tu hard!!

YOU - uh yor camra is reely lowd

YOU - yu hav the werst tayst in frends

YOU - yu mayb pritier than yor sister but yu both luk like dung

YOU - have more spots then a dalmashun

YOU - no wons even herd of yu

YOU - are fat

YOU - have the dres sens of a giantess

YOU - yor teeth are cruked

YOU - no ofens reely intended but wy dus yor offis smel of dog????

YOU - are stoopider then me, have awful hair and yor muther is so fat she sat on a raynbow and every flaver beans poped out the end

YOU - carnt insult to save yer life

YOU - yor hair luks like yu got hit by litening

YOU - are a nansy ponse

YOU - have flees

YOU - have no lyfe and are just weerd hoo spends howrs in the librarie neway??? get a life!!!!

YOU - everywun hayts yu cuz yor depresing and ded!!

YOU - yor cat needs to be brushed wons ina wile

YOU - crnt reely insult to sayv yor life but oops yor dead

YOU - two werds - Percy Weasley. how yu cudnt be sik dating the pompus soandso ill never no

YOU - arnt as funy as yu think yu ar in fact the only funy thing abowt yu is yor muther, hoo is so stoopid she got run over by a parkd car

YOU - ar a big pompus git

YOU - ayt a hole bag of proons the uther day and dont think i didnt see yu - and thets weerd, not just eating proons but hiding under yor desk to eet them

YOU - have nuthing in yor head but fluff

YOU - have nuthing bad to say abowt you but admirrashun wy if i had poter around me for that long hed be ded by now - in fact poter is so hatable he who cant/wont be naymed met him for won secund and tryed to kill him!!!!! wot dus that say abowt him???

YOU - yu are evul hah but thets a compulment

YOU - are a wurs speler than me doant think i doant no hoo else woos lukking into speling charmed payber at flurish and blots

YOU - smel like poo

YOU - ar so anoying sumwon dyed to get away from yu!

YOU - can onlee see the futur after yuve drunk ten botles of butterbeer and it isnt the futur miss.

YOU - are sadistik and meen

YOU - are uglee and shudnt be ther

YOU - are fater than weesleys mum

YOU - are uglee


YOU - shud be in huflepuff!!!!!!!

end my werk heer is dun.

G Goyle


blondenarcissa @ 2003-04-03 05:57 am UTC

Mr. Goyle,

Why Gregory that is terribly sweet of you. I am very pleased that you find my hair pretty. As always, you are so very thoughtful. Please do give my regards to your parents.

Narcissa Malfoy