goyle @ 2003-04-08 06:39:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
* Name: greg goyle
* Birthday: 05/06/88
* Eyes: Too
* Hair: There
* Height: Tarler than Crab
* Shoe Size: firteen
* Who lives with you: everywun at hogwurts, essept at hoam wen me mam me dad an me fish livv ther
* When is your bedtime?: saym as all the uther six yers
------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* Flown on a plane: on a wut?
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: wuns i drunk so much pumkin joose i faynted
* Missed school because it was raining: misd caer of magicul crittures wuns but so did everywun els
* Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: wy wud i do thet??
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: nope but thet time last yer when drayco set my arm on fier in poashuns by acsident wus pritty funy (after the fyre wus owt of cors!!)
* Had a crush on a friends girlfriend/boyfriend: eww gerls, und i hav no gerls as frends reely so i wudnt go afterr ther gerlfrends or boyfrends
* Been hurt emotionally: been hert how???
* Kept a secret from everyone: my secret telent!!
* Had an imaginary friend: huh?
* Wanted to hook up with a friend: i wunted to huk up zabini to the ceeling wuns or twice
* Cried during a Movie?: dooring a wot?
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: end agen huh?
* Been on stage: yu meen a truck? yes
* Cut your hair: yes but it wus silly
* Had crush on a teacher? ewwwwwwwww
* Shampoo: anything wut dusnt stink liyk gerl stuf dus
* Fav Color: gren
* Day/Night: eevnin
* Summer/Winter: winterr - more feests round then
* Lace or Satin: whu?
* Fave Cartoon Character: marthen the mad mugl
* Fave Food: duble trilpe choclat gato
* Fave Advertisement: the wun fer the berty bots evry flaver chooing gums craks my ribs everytime i see et
* Fave Movies: "dragon hunter" staring vlad hutkins
* Fave Drink: used to be pumkin juuce but no loner, um, buterbeer i ges
* Person to talk to online: ive never torked to a person on a line...
* Fave sport: kwiditch
* Fave Car: hah bluu and flyin or any uther sort that get the wheesleys into truble!
* Fave sports stars: viktor krum
-----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: cloathes!!!
* Eating: my transifgrashun essay
* Drinking: nuthing no likwid aloud ner compyuters
* Thinking about: how to spel likwid
* Listening to: the sownd of sumwon biting ther nayls and drayco complayning abowt not beeng ayble to nash his teeth becuz ther so perfekt and he carnt roon them
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
* Cried: no
* Worn jeans: no
* Met someone New online: no wun wuz on a line to-day
* Done laundry: thets wot howse elfs are for
* Drove a car: no but mayb wheeeezley has?
* Talked on the phone? on a wot?
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
* Yourself: yes
* Your friends: sumtimes
* Santa Claus: mugls are so stoopid
* Tooth Fairy: yes
* Destiny/Fate: no
* Angels: angels of a tringle? no carnt belieeve they egsist
* Ghosts: duh
* UFO's: asked drayco wut this meens and he jest sed "ugly flying oals" so yes i do
* God: god? thats wut zabini nicnaymed his owl wuns
-------------FINISH EACH SENTENCE:---------------
Let's walk in the: the kichen
Let's run through: the kichen
Let's look at the: the kichen
Who are those: kichens?
What a nice: kichen
Where did all these: kichens come from?
When will they: get rid of that kichen?
How are: they going to get rid of that kichen?
Why can't you: get rid of that kichen?
So where did you: get your first kichen?
Sing the: kichen song
Easier than: shooting kichen in a barrel
Closer than: kichens
Look at my: kichen
I'll stay if: you make the kichen go away
Silly, little: kichens
Show me some: kichens
The sky is: full of kichens
Tell me a: kichen
Hide me: from the ebil kichens
Love me: or i'll shoot you like that kichen
Grab the: kichen!
I hate your stupid: kichen
My mom thinks your: kichen is fat
He's not: just a kichen
Are you that: guy with the kichen?
I missed: the kichen
Can't you: just get along with the kichen?
Lovely little: kichen
goyle @ 2003-04-08 10:46 am UTC |
fifth day of the sixth munth, yu walrus
thow hast bin wotchin tuu much that wich is amerrican wee wheezley.
akording to the pateels it mayks me that weered wun wif the j.
blushcrush @ 2003-04-08 12:30 pm UTC |
Oh, dear, I just thought with your thick neck and all...
(parent)goyle @ 2003-04-09 11:07 pm UTC |
forgot wot yer it wus so i mayd it up but no wun els has notissed hahaha!