goyle @ 2003-07-30 07:26:00 |
wat? wat?
Ware am ay! its derk end i fel aslep heer oh its sumwar with compyuters end i thort scool wos ovur but mayb it isnt
i dremt last nite hed a drem wer drayco cut of my fingur
and i woak up end it wus tru.
got a letur frum alistur brigins end apruntly i carnt soo the wheesleys fer los of lim. so thets not faer. COLIN WERS MY EXPLOADING CERDS? sory i just hav to ask wen i remimber or else i totully forget end thets not a gud thing? i doant remimber doing exems! thet carnt be gud. whet. hoo. errr. oo luk my sox are od. not od as in staynge sox thet wud be just weerd, od as in difrunt culurs. weerr.
wus not amoosed by presunt on my bed yesturday sumwon sent me a pritty parsul with gluvs in end the rite handed wun had six fingurs!!!!!! eether vins trieing to nit agen or sumwuns beeng nastee.
wat? mi eys fel crosiyed shoorly thets not rite?