goyle @ 2004-04-24 13:46:00 |
books books everywhere. this thing takes too long! why must everyone want books hogsmeade is big place. yes. grammar book from madame malfoy say weird things. and i mean say, every time i open the small one it yells! and calls me stupid. hum. big author type lady is in wherebooks today i read newspaper and it said so. may go and get the book madame malfoy sent signed. this thing takes too long. i want to go get fudge. i want to stop crabbe standing on my foot. i do not want to go into zonkos, the prices have gone back up as there competition is dead. haha. i wonder why i'm sat typing in this stupid place. wireless my ass. i see wires. oh i also want to buy a book on how to set redheaded people on fire. may be helpful end bugre thes et tayks tu long ey am goin tu goe and et sum mor fud wiv crabbers end we ar goin to thee bukshop end thet is fynal. ey am sik end tyerd ov spindin mi tym heer stuk reeding owt of a buk cos no won kan reed my riting! of cors they kann. i meen yu ar rite naow. hedayk or no hedaky madum malfoy thes tayks tu long yor way i shell tri laytur.
crabbe @ 2004-04-24 06:04 am UTC |
why do we have to go to a book shop if you do not want to read i do not want to go to a book shop and i am not standing on your foot.
goyle @ 2004-04-25 01:25 pm UTC |
if et wosnt yu i doant wont tu noe hoo!!!!! end we wernt ther for long stop complaynin. plus ther wus a kool comix sekshun end yu noe it.