goyle @ 2004-04-27 07:43:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
*ICELAND's bigust import is toorists.
*IF YU WER ICELANDISH... yu'd be corled Drayco Luciusson.
*Ovur fourty per sent expurts is fish, foloaed by ovur twenny per sent brumstiks, ten per sent thin-botumed coldruns end ayt per sent aluminyum.
*Abowt the saym numbur of muguls visitud ICELAND frum thee UK as frum thee USA. Howevur twise thee numbur of british wizzards visuted as compaired tu thee nubur ov USA wizzards end chinees wizzards combyned.
*ICELAND was thee ferst cuntry to legulise aborshun in 1935. I doant noe wot thet is, butt it sownds fasinatin.
*ICELANDISH is thee twelfth moast poplar inturnet langwig, end is thee forteenf moast poplar langwig fer wizzardly bisness deels.
*ICELANDISH wizzard directries ar araynged by ferst nayme.
*Helga Vanriksdottier, thee inventur ov cokroaych clusters caym frum ICELAND.
*ICELAND muguls drink mor cola than ennywer els. ICELAND wizzards drink more fier wisky then enny uther cuntry.
*ICELAND has no armey, navey, or aer forse. Et dus hav a Coast Gard.
*Ov thee tu hundred end ayty thowsand hoo liv in ICELAND, ninty thowsand ar wizzards! hiyest rayt ov wizzards tu muguls in orl ov yuurop.