jadedsirius @ 2003-05-01 16:29:00

Current music:Aerosmith - Dude Looks Like a Lady

Well. By now everyone knows that the inconsiderate idiot we like to call a Potions master thought it would be amusing to add a little something to Remus' wolfsbane potion last night.

To sum things up, I went to sleep with a man and woke up with a woman, but this time it was the same person.

Naturally, Remus did not handle this well.

After threatening Snape's manhood (which didn't take long of course) the prat admitted to the deed, in revenge for Remus turning him into his true form, a large waterfowl.

The great git assured me the potion would wear off in 24 hours.

For the sake of his continued well-being he'd better be telling the truth. Or I shall be turning him into a girl the hard way.

I returned to our rooms to find that Remus has wedged himself (herself? I can see this will become tiresome) under the bed. It took ages to coax him out. He finally stopped shrieking as well.

Suffice it to say, he's feeling a bit better now that I have conclusively demonstrated to him that no matter what the condition of his body, I still love him with all my heart.

Snape, you are truly lucky that I am a man of flexible inclinations, unlike you.

I am trying to convince Remus that he makes a remarkably attractive woman, but he seems to not want to sit still long enough to take a photograph.

If Remus is not back to normal tomorrow morning, Snape, both of us will be down to see you. It will not be as pleasant as some of our previous visits to the dungeons, rest assured.

