jadedsirius @ 2004-05-31 15:07:00

Thanks to some generous help, I finished marking essays much earlier than I thought, and Harry and I took the bike out yesterday. We flew up a ways past Hogsmeade and had a nice lunch. I wish we could have brought Rosie. The Padfoot in me would like to take her on out of her element. I'm getting up there, but I can beat her in a race.

Alas, our plans to deviate Remus's organisation were thwarted when I. Pince spotted us breaking into the Restricted Section. Lovely to see you, too, Irma.

Moony, we've brought you back three leaves from the top of the highest tree in Hogsmeade. Well, two and a half to be more accurate. Someone isn't very good at grabbing leaves. Something about holding on for dear life.


lupercus @ 2004-06-01 02:59 am UTC

Brilliant, you did take her out! How did she fly? It's been an age since you've done it.

Rosie is afraid of heights. She gets nervous on the bed, you know that. No flying for her! She can stay on the ground with me, since I don't fly much myself. We will read trashy romance novels and eat truffles. And then we will CONQUER the WORLD.

...can you tell, I have been around Draco and Millicent a bit today? They were in the library, losing their merry little minds. It's catching, sadly. I feel compelled to make candles now.

Remind me to send Irma flowers. She's on to you, Padfoot. She has a long, long memory for things. Remember the great Hogwarts, A History Heist of 1975? Of course you do, you're still in detentions for that, aren't you?

Thank you for my leaves. Tell the chicken pretending to be your godson thank you, as well.

Come to tea. It's still warm.

jadedsirius @ 2004-06-01 03:11 am UTC

Smooth as always. Turned a bit choppy when I got to maximum speed, but you're going to have that trouble with the finest machines. I can still make her putter at top heights. I'm working on making it sound like the engine's stopped entirely. Perhaps an alarming whinge would do it? The sound of something falling off, maybe?

Disregard Harry's claims of near-death experiences. What are we going to do with that boy?

You know, he is who he is, but I'm getting a bit worried about those two. There are more dangerous things they could be doing, and no wizard likes to have a duel ended on any terms but their own, but if this doesn't end soon I fear someone will step in. Of course, I don't know that I'd be the one to ruin their fun, but it's troublesome. Especially if you're going to start making candles. A moment after you start, there will be fifty. I know you.

Irma's getting up there. She can't remember everything I've ever done. Unless she writes them down. Remind me to look into this.

I'll be right there. I'm assuming Irma's not with you. I can't imagine that I'm not right.

Also: when you conquer the world, can I get a jaunty hat and be the mascot? More on this later.

lupercus @ 2004-06-01 03:35 am UTC

You realise you're speaking Gnomish right now, right? I've never understood a thing you've ever told me about that bike. I only pretended to understand so that you would snog me after James and The Rat Bastard had gone to bed.

Harry is hopeless. Trade him in, let's get a new model. One without a gizzard.

Do you remember when you and James decided to see who could go the longest without needing the loo? That was the best Quidditch match ever. Minerva still looks nervous when you come around, and I swear she keeps an umbrella under her desk. But I promise not to make any candles. You're right, I tend to let projects run away with me. You obviously remember the summer I learnt to knit.

Irma is not with me. I am alone, in my office, with tea and biscuits. You know you want biscuits. You always want biscuits.

And yes, you may be the mascot, but I question the necessity of the jaunty hat. You should never use the word "jaunty" in a sentence again, really.

jadedsirius @ 2004-06-01 04:08 am UTC

I have a suspicion that you know a syllable or two of Gnomish.

I have been deceived. Punishment will be swift and just.

I must say, I prefer the more creative duels to the standard wizard's duel. Do you remember when Oliver Cooke and Sylvester Callaghan decided to see who could go the longest with holding their arms in the air? Anticlimactic.

Why mention a hat if it isn't going to be a jaunty one? I ask you.

I am coming now.

lupercus @ 2004-06-01 05:25 am UTC

While I am fluent in Mermish and I know a good deal of Troll (which came in handy on mornings after yours and James's post-exam piss-ups), I assure you I know no Gnomish. Your bike is a mystery to me that will remain unsolved. Some things you're just not meant to understand, you know? Such as religion, and the Muggles who come up with things like the Tellytubbies.

That was a brilliant duel. Particularly because they were helpless with their arms up like that. Such fun was had by all (us).

What constitutes a jaunty hat? A fez? A beret? A beanie? Do tell, my haberdasherer, I am awash with anticipation.

Play your cards right, and perhaps you will be.
