jadedsirius @ 2003-03-23 18:29:00

Current music:AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long

Well... I could say a good time was had by all, but I'm not sure about some of the guests. The night was eventful, to say the least, but I was most surprised by some of the absences. One would think that Snape would have shown up, if only to mock us and to defend his potion-making honour which Remus and I have besmirched. But he was a no-show. No courage is more like it. Even the Malfoys showed up, and they are quite tolerable when combined with alcohol. Too bad their spawn, I mean son, doesn't know how to loosen up.

Sinistra and I, while having a rocky start, fell into quite an interesting conversation after a few drinks. I feel I have quite misjudged her. We'll have to have her round more often, Remus.

Harry seemed to enjoy himself at first, then disappeared during a unfortunate misunderstanding with the appearance of Charlie Weasley. After reading over the posts he made last night, I have to assume he found his way to some of the alcohol. I do hope he's feeling better by now. He hasn't answered my owl as of yet.

And if everyone hasn't yet heard, Remus has asked me to move in with him, and I accepted most happily. We haven't yet decided whose quarters we'll be settling in at Hogwarts, however. We are very happy and expect we shall be quite busy celebrating for some time. Please do knock before visiting.



lupercus @ 2003-03-23 06:40 pm UTC

Sinistra may be popping by, Sirius. Do try to be at least semi-dressed.

And you haven't heard from Harry? How did he get into the alcohol? I TOLD you to put some pumpkin juice out for the children, Padfoot. Oh dear. Well, has anyone seen him? Have you asked around? I think the Malfoy child saw him late last night but I don't know anything beyond that. Would Ron know?

Bugger it all.

I'm going to go to the dorm. If he was a drunk as his comments suggest then he's probably barely conscious if at all.

Oh, what a bloody awful godmother I'm turning out to be.


jadedsirius @ 2003-03-23 06:53 pm UTC

Oh, settle down, Remus. Harry is 16, he can handle a bit of alcohol. Remember us at 16? Oh, bad example...

Perhaps we should check on him after all...

But I don't want to get dressed...


sinistra @ 2003-03-23 07:08 pm UTC

Oh, don't dress on my behalf. It's nothing we didn't see last night.

jadedsirius @ 2003-03-23 07:21 pm UTC

Yes, and I'd like the negatives, please...

lupercus @ 2003-03-23 07:08 pm UTC


Get out of that bed and put your robes on, or I will cast Imperius on you and no jury in the world would convict me.


jadedsirius @ 2003-03-23 07:20 pm UTC

Settle down, you're sounding like a fishwife already.

lupercus @ 2003-03-24 12:09 pm UTC

I'll show you fishwife. Next full moon.

jadedsirius @ 2003-03-24 01:31 pm UTC

Promises, promises.

just_harry @ 2003-03-23 08:24 pm UTC

I'm really sorry, Sirius. I didn't mean to worry you or anything. I thought you and Professor Lupin would want to be alone so I went back to Hogwarts, I guess I forgot to say anything. I didn't really know I was drinking. It's kind of embarrassing, you know? I mean I didn't mean to do that but it happened anyway. Anyway I'm really sorry if I disappointed you.

jadedsirius @ 2003-03-24 01:34 pm UTC

Remus and I never mind having you around. Ever. Please remember that.

As for the drinking, Remus seems to be far more upset over it. I believe he's forgotten what it's like to be 16. Just please be careful. I hope you didn't make yourself sick.

And watch out for the wolf, he's in a mood.


lupercus @ 2003-03-24 11:51 pm UTC

I most certainly have not forgotten what it was like to be sixteen. Let's see...

When I was sixteen, I had to drag you out of the lake more times than I care to mention. When I was sixteen, I had to hold your bloody hair when you vomited in Sprout's greenhouses after drinking half of Hagrid's own homebrew. When I was sixteen, I actually had to bail you out of a Muggle jail after you flashed a little old lady on the street whom you mistook for Lucius Malfoy (though I can see why anyone would make such a mistake). When I was sixteen, I sat up at all hours of the night watching you sleep after a binge and keeping you from rolling over and choking to death in the night.

So forgive me, if my memories of sixteen aren't as bright and shiny as yours, dearest Padfoot.

And I am not in a mood. At least one of us should behave like a parent now and then.


- Remus

jadedsirius @ 2003-03-24 11:56 pm UTC

Well, forgive me for acting like a teenager when I was one, Remus.

You know what I remember the most about being sixteen? Years of at times painful effort that culminated in becoming an unregistered Animagus, just so I could accompany my friend, who happened to turn into a vicious creature once a month.

All the while keeping my marks up to finish second in the class.

Maybe I needed to blow off some steam.

lupercus @ 2003-03-25 12:03 am UTC

Well, one good turn deserved a dozen others, Sirius. Besides, it's not like I knew what you were up to, at the time. And maybe you wouldn't have had to work so hard to keep your marks up if you were, you know, sober once in a while?

Anyway. I refuse to play the guilt-game with you, because the two of us have enough angst for it to go on for centuries.

However, Harry is neither an Animagus nor is he a werewolf (thank Godric), and so I refuse to let you cut him any slack in that respect.

Now get the hell of the computer and come to bed.

jadedsirius @ 2003-03-25 12:05 am UTC

I really shouldn't put up with you, you know.

Then again, you do have your uses.

Goodnight, Hogwarts.

just_harry @ 2003-03-25 01:14 pm UTC

Oh! I don't really plan on doing it again. My rebellish phase is over, trust me. Thanks, Sirius.

jadedsirius @ 2003-03-25 01:20 pm UTC

I'm sure your father would have been disappointed if you didn't get up to some mischief at some point, Harry. Remus just worries overmuch.


potions_master @ 2003-03-26 01:48 am UTC

Yes, I'm quite sure that James Potter would be simply rolling in his grave if his offspring didn't at least try to have one of his peers killed by luring them into a trap that lead to a certain death at the end.

"My son is a waste," the disembodied spirit of James Potter will say.

"Yes, well, we would have tried our best," Lily will say sadly.

Since, as we all know, Gryffindors find these sorts of things side-splittingly hysterical.

jadedsirius @ 2003-03-26 03:01 am UTC

Really, Sevvie, flogging that dead horse again? I thought we'd got past that, and moved onto more recent personal attacks.

hannahabbott @ 2003-03-24 10:59 pm UTC

Please do knock before visiting.

I'll keep that in mind, Professor.

But on an academic note, can I confirm the dates for the testing for our Animagus classes? My notes have vanished. I fear that one of the second-year's cats managed to get into my dorm room again and has shredded them.


The common trials of pets.

Hannah Abbott

jadedsirius @ 2003-03-25 01:23 pm UTC

I believe the date is May 15th, Miss Abbott. I'm sure you'll do just fine.

And I believe Professor Snape could help you out with a cat-repellent potion if you're still having problems.

That is, if he's speaking to anyone these days.


lupercus @ 2003-03-25 02:57 pm UTC


Who is this "Snape" you speak of, Sirius?

I daresay I've come to assume the Potions classes are being taught by house-elves anymore.

Or that would be what my last Wolfsbane potion has suggested to me.

- R.

jadedsirius @ 2003-03-25 03:03 pm UTC

Hm. If Sevvie were indeed still resident at Hogwarts, I would suggest you be very careful about your food and drink for the next few days.

But, as it seems our dear Potions master has been replaced by a vaccuum, it seems no harm, no foul.


lupercus @ 2003-03-25 03:55 pm UTC

A vaccuum, you say?

Blimey, and I thought that horrid sucking sound eminating from the dungeons was just Lucius.


- Remus

jadedsirius @ 2003-03-25 05:34 pm UTC

Ah, yes, well, Lucius could be compared to a vaccuum in some ways, yes, and he was rather good at it... but I digress.


lupercus @ 2003-03-25 05:38 pm UTC

You're going to stop talking now.

jadedsirius @ 2003-03-25 05:50 pm UTC

Yes. Yes, I am.

Though, you seemed to like hearing about it the other night...

potions_master @ 2003-03-26 01:49 am UTC

Don't call me Sevvie.

potions_master @ 2003-03-26 01:43 am UTC

Perhaps, Lupin, if you find my skills in Potion making so dissatisfying, you can do without your monthly dosage. Surely you don't mind ripping a few enemies and loved ones apart from eyeballs to entrails, do you?

jadedsirius @ 2003-03-26 01:46 am UTC

Judging from last month, perhaps Remus would be better off without it.

potions_master @ 2003-03-26 01:51 am UTC

By all means, Black, please do feel free to attempt to make it yourself with your pedestrian Potions skills. Would you like me to remind you which is the knife and which is the cauldron, or shall I simply put labels on all of the tools in advance?

lupercus @ 2003-03-26 01:56 am UTC

Well, if the potion is proving too much for you to handle, any longer, Severus, I can always elicit the aid of a more highly-trained potionsmaker. I've heard good things about the one at Beauxbatons, I'm sure Dumbledore could make the arrangements.

Don't feel obligated. We all lose our touch, eventually.

- Lupin.

potions_master @ 2003-03-26 02:06 am UTC

If ever there were another Potions Master worth his weight in Galleons able to prepare the Wolfsbane Potion, I have no doubts that you would have enlisted his skills long before coming to me with your desperate plea for help. And I have, out of the goodness of my heart, prepared it for you regularly with no complaint nor talk of reward or thanks. But by all means, do find another to embark on this task, if you can find one willing to do so for such a tiresome, piddling werewolf. One who listens to Babs, to boot.

lupercus @ 2003-03-26 02:13 am UTC

Well, since we're on the subject, I won't be needing your services next month, as I will need to make a complete and unhindered transformation. Not looking forward to it, of course, but perhaps the short break will allow you to refamiliarise yourself with your former level of remarkable skill. After all, we all need a little holiday, now and again, don't we?

And I don't listen to Streisand. It's Sirius's. I suffer, truly, for love.

- Lupin

potions_master @ 2003-03-26 02:19 am UTC

Oh, is that a compliment your royal heinous has graced me with? The world itself does halt its spinning. Best of luck on your transformation, Lupin--here's hoping you only injure a handful of students. I'm sure someone will be suiting Potter up in one of the old suits of armour, so nothing for you to worry about, of course.

jadedsirius @ 2003-03-26 03:04 am UTC

The goodness of your heart? That would presuppose you had one. How amusing.

lupercus @ 2003-03-26 01:52 am UTC

Why Severus.

So good of you to grace us with your presence, at long last.

I was about to send a search party.

Unfortunately, no one volunteered.

- Remus

potions_master @ 2003-03-26 01:55 am UTC

Ah, yes, whatever shall I do now that I know Hogwarts will not come raiding my chambers each time I do not update my online journal? This calls for at least two seconds' reflection.

lupercus @ 2003-03-26 02:00 am UTC

Please, we beg you, don't deny us your scintillating wit ever again.


No, we mean it.


- Lupin.

hannahabbott @ 2003-03-25 10:38 pm UTC

Thank you, Professor. There is enough time there for me to become suitably nervous.

And as appealing as approaching Professor Snape sounds, I think I'll go with the cats. Much safer for the health of my House mates in the long run, I suspect.

