just_harry @ 2002-05-17 18:02:00

Well, hi. We're all keeping journals, I guess, which is kind of cool, really. I mean, I was playing around on Dudley's computer last summer, and I found a bunch of them, and I thought they were kind of neat. But weird, too, you know? Because everyone was writing all these personal things, and it seems weird to say things like that to strangers. I don't know if I could really say anything really personal. I hope Professor Dumbledore doesn't expect us to.

These computers are pretty nice, too. Lots nicer than Dudley's. And it's neat, because this is something else that I'm okay at without having to work at it. I helped Neville and Dean with their journals today, but I don't know if Neville's ever going to get it.

Now I gotta go get ready for Quidditch practice. Evan is still fuming about our loss last year.


knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-17 12:12 am UTC

Harry! About time you show up here! Can you make my stupid journal background work? Hermione refused to help until I finish my homework. Honestly, why do we hang out with her for? Grr.

just_harry @ 2002-05-17 12:32 am UTC

I bet she just hasn't figured it out yet. I don't know how to do it either. I want to get it figured out! Mine is kind of boring now.

knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-17 12:36 am UTC

Oh, that's okay, mine is boring too. We'll leave the silly decorations to the girls now, shall we? Or we can ask Malfoy to do it, since he apparently has too much time on his hands. Geez.

potterstinks @ 2002-05-17 12:15 am UTC

What personal could you possibly have to say, Potter?

Oh, I can envision it now.

"Dear Diary,
My scar hurts!! Also, am developing large zit. Perhaps it has psychic powers like my neat-o scar!!! I hate Voldemort! Dark magic=phooey! Grr! Slytherin=bad, I=perfect!

just_harry @ 2002-05-17 01:11 am UTC

Gee, Malfoy, maybe I should just let you write my journal, since you know everything about me. It would save me alot of time.

potterstinks @ 2002-05-17 03:23 am UTC

It would certainly save me a lot of boredom, wouldn't it? Why did you have to do this stupid project, anyway, Potter? Couldn't you have flashed them your scar and gotten a free pass out of here? You could have done the rest of us a favour, you know.

potterstinks @ 2002-05-17 03:25 am UTC

How typical of you to say 'gee.' Perhaps next you'll be saying 'golly' and 'gosh.' You're just a good old fashioned five-year-old, aren't you, Potty?

potterstinks @ 2002-05-17 03:28 am UTC
In addition..

Yes, Potter, you'd better get someone else to write your journal for you, now that I think about it. I'm sure you have a secretary who pens out all your autographs for you; surely they won't mind taking on the additional task. It's tough being a celebrity, isn't it?

No, no, wouldn't want to waste Precious's time. You must be awfully busy, Potter. Or are you just to cowardly to respond? Ha ha ha.

potterstinks @ 2002-05-17 12:20 am UTC

I've a fair idea what you can use this journal for. I thought I should share it with you, of course, seeing as you are now my close forced "journal" friend.

Why don't you just start keeping a log of every stupid thing you say and do? I'm sure it would fill up rather quickly, and you would more than meet the requirements set.

I've even written the first few entries for you.

Stupid Mistake One.
Was born.

Stupid Mistake Two.
Lived. Got ugly scar.

Stupid Mistake Three.
Hey, Hagrid is a really cool bloke.

Stupid Mistake Four.
That Ron Weasley fellow is really neat to hang out with.

Ad nauseum.

potterstinks @ 2002-05-17 12:25 am UTC

Thought: Doesn't it just eat you up inside that I'm the captain of my Quidditch team and you're not?

Thought II: Doesn't it just eat you up inside that you've been on your team for six years and a fourth year is captain?

Hypothesis: I am captain because I know how to catch a Snitch.

Resolution: Might want to just forget about Quidditch altogether, Potter. It can only lead to heartache from here. How would you have room for that? What with crying over your dead parents every night, and all.

wheresmytoad @ 2002-05-18 07:23 pm UTC
Thanks Harry

I figured out how to use it! Although I wish you had told me about the shift key earlier...

Did someone tell Draco that we were calling him Precious?

just_harry @ 2002-05-19 12:56 am UTC
Re: Thanks Harry

Oh! I'm sorry, Neville! I totally forgot!

I looked at your journal. It looks really good. You're really good at this, Neville!


wheresmytoad @ 2002-05-19 07:51 am UTC
Re: Thanks Harry

I like your journal, too!
My uncle made me learn a bit about computers when they thought I wasn't magci.
It's easy as long as I just click buttons.
