just_harry @ 2002-09-03 20:35:00

I just tried to go see Sirius, but Snape was there, and he made sure to tell me that Sirius wasn't allowed any visitors before he went back inside and slammed the door on my foot. So I don't know how Sirius is doing. I tried to see him yesterday, too, but Madame Pomfrey wouldn't let me in either, even though Professor McGonagall said I could because he's my godfather.

I guess maybe that means Sirius is doing okay. I mean, if he was really bad, they'd let me in, right? I just hope he's okay. I know he's okay. I mean, he has to be.

I just wish I could go see him.

When we got back from dinner today, my trunk was ripped open and my drawers were turned upside down. I don't think anything is missing, but this is the second time this has happened to me. I don't have anything worth stealing, except my Firebolt, and that's still here. A couple other things, too, but they're here too. So I don't know who went through my stuff, but maybe they were just snooping. Oh, my divination chart is missing, though, so maybe someone really wanted to find out when I was going to get trampled by a raging flobberworm next. You know, so they could avoid getting in the way.

Nevermind. Ron says he has my divination chart.


missgranger @ 2002-09-04 09:06 pm UTC

How about we try to go to the hospital wing at lunch? Now we need to see Sirius AND Ron... drat that dragon!! But I'm sure they'll be fine Harry, really... try not to worry.

just_harry @ 2002-09-05 11:50 am UTC

Yeah, okay. Snape has to leave the hospital wing sometime, doesn't he? I mean, he does sleep. Right?

missgranger @ 2002-09-05 05:59 pm UTC

Errm...he has to, doesn't he?
