just_harry @ 2003-05-11 01:31:00 |
I want to go home now. Can someone take me home?
purestblood @ 2003-05-10 11:32 pm UTC |
I snuck into the dorm and short-sheeted your father's bed many times.
just_harry @ 2003-05-10 11:35 pm UTC |
I really don't care, Mr Malfoy. I wish you hadn't come here tonight anyway. No one invited you and you're rude and stupid when you're drunk.
(parent)purestblood @ 2003-05-10 11:40 pm UTC |
On the contrary. I was invited and I've had two drinks total all evening.
And do you know the name of the band that performed "I Want Your Hex"? Rather a catchy tune.
just_harry @ 2003-05-10 11:38 pm UTC |
I'm not okay. Remus says he wants to have children. Did you see? I want to go home. Where are you?
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-05-10 11:42 pm UTC |
Harry? Wait, what did you think I meant?
I want them, but I can't have them. But I have you, or I hope I do, and I adore you and even if someone walked up to me and said I could have my own I wouldn't trade you for a litter of them.
Oh my God, Harry, I'm sorry.
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-10 11:45 pm UTC Re: |
You don't want him to have children? It's not going to be painful, you know, I think he means adopting. I'm in the library trying to look for George to murder him, want to join me?
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-10 11:34 pm UTC |
You do have those rose quartz that I gave you, don't you? I know there are a lot of people milling about but there is no need to go 'home'. You are home, Harry. That hairstyle, although incurably messy, is quite mod. Did you know that? How very fashionable of you.
just_harry @ 2003-05-10 11:46 pm UTC |
I think I left them under a table somewhere because they made alot of noise when they rattled together and they were heavy and it was really kind of irritating and I only took them because you're Malfoy's mum and I didn't want to be rude. But thank you because it was a really nice thought but I don't think they helped at all. And I didn't know that about my hair and I don't think it's true. My hair is a mess. But thanks for saying it. I didn't think I would like you but really you're pretty nice.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-11 12:01 am UTC |
If you don't like them that is perfectly fine as I was only trying to help but I know I am quite worthless when it comes to helping other people because I can become so wrapped up in myself which is really selfish of me but I cannot help it and I am pleased that you at least accepted them from me as my own son will not even acknowledge my presense and I do not know why but at least you are polite enough to speak to me when I talk to you and you are welcome and your hair is quite nice at least I think so I was not sure if I would like you either but you are a very nice young man.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-05-11 12:24 am UTC |
Mother? So you think I'm not polite enough, then? I'm glad to know.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-11 12:35 am UTC |
That isn't it at all, Draco! Of course I think you are polite as you are Mother's little gentleman and I am so proud to be your Mother.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-11 12:37 am UTC |
I was merely upset darling that you have not been replying to my owls or anything of that sort of course I still think you are perfectly polite and just perfect in general as you are the most darling child a mother could hope for my handsome boy.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-11 12:56 am UTC |
Yes I did and I was so very worried and I was trying to take care of your father while he was injured and I didn't know what to do about seeing where you were I should have made a better effort and I am sorry so I can understand if you are cross with me as I would be as well if our roles were to be reversed it is hard for me to know what to do first as I don't think I am doing a very good job being your mother but I don't know how to be one so I am asking you to give me another chance to try and make things better although I would not blame you if you denied me as such
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-05-11 12:58 am UTC |
Why didn't you say a word about it until Professor Vector said something?
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-11 01:02 am UTC |
I guess I was too panicked over your father and so very full of stress that I scarcely knew my name let alone anything else and I hadn't been told that you were not at the Manor until after I had found out that your father had been injured in a duel and as he was there right in front of me and you were not I had to pay attention to him first and ensure that he would be alright before I shifted my focus to you I must tell you that I feel so very badly if you feel I forgot about you as that is something that is never possible, ever.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-05-11 01:06 am UTC |
Why did you tell the girls at your feminine party that I was fourteen?
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-11 01:08 am UTC |
Because I was nervous at speaking in front of so many people and your real age escaped me so I tried to recover gracefully but said the wrong thing entirely.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-05-11 01:25 am UTC |
Why do you make up convenient excuses that make you look good?
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-11 01:27 am UTC |
I am not trying to make up excuses that are convenient or whathaveyou I am merely telling you the truth Draco.
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-05-10 11:34 pm UTC |
Is it because you're gay that you never liked me or is it just me? Sorry Harry but I really want to know.
wehaveseven @ 2003-05-10 11:37 pm UTC |
Ginny darling are you gay because I did something wrong?
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-05-10 11:47 pm UTC |
No Mummy!! I can't help it, I just really like Cho! The only thing I can think of that you've ever done wrong is holding my hand in public when I was thirteen, that was really embarrassing.
(parent)![]() wehaveseven @ 2003-05-10 11:51 pm UTC |
you're gay bEcause I love you too much :( I'm sorry Ginny.
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-05-11 12:00 am UTC |
That's just silly, Mum! You love all of us just the same and we're not all gay!
(parent)seekercho @ 2003-05-10 11:57 pm UTC |
Oh Ginny!!! I'm sorry if I made you gay!!! I wish I were a boy sometimes because then it would be normal and people wouldn't stare at us so much and your Mum wouldn't think she did something wrong. And my grandmum would like me more if I were a boy. I miss my dad. He liked me even though I am a girl but I don't think anyone else does except you.
I love you Ginny.
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-11 12:00 am UTC |
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-05-11 12:03 am UTC |
Cho, you didn't make me gay! I don't care if you're a boy or a girl, I would like you no matter what because of who you are, I don't care what's on your chest or between your legs or what your eye colour or name is. I love who you are inside! I really do! Does having lots of brothers make me gay?
(parent)![]() wehaveseven @ 2003-05-11 12:03 am UTC |
(parent)percyneedsalife @ 2003-05-11 12:04 am UTC |
I like you, Cho, I just don't want you to have sex with my sister.
(parent)percyneedsalife @ 2003-05-11 12:05 am UTC |
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-05-10 11:51 pm UTC |
I really kind of did like you but you kind of creeped me out when I tried to talk to you because you wouldn't talk at all and you'd just look at me and I hated it. It was alot like Colin. But sometimes I thought that maybe we would date and maybe even get married because I love your family and I liked you too once you started talking, you know. But I would try to think about kissing you or something like that and it really made me sick and so I never asked you out and also I was pretty certain that you would freak out. So yeah, because I was gay, I guess, but also because of you.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-10 11:56 pm UTC |
If you weren't my best friend I'd tell you that's the meanest thing to ever say to Ginny.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-05-11 12:22 am UTC |
I'm sorry. I hate being mean to your sister because you're my best friend she's nice and her feelings get hurt easy and whenever I make her cry I feel like an arse.
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-05-10 11:59 pm UTC |
Oh, okay. Sorry I made you sick. I used to want to marry you but I stopped wanting that a while ago, but I still like you a lot you know, I'm sorry, it's kind of strange because it's like you're my brother or something, maybe it shouldn't feel funny sometimes when I look at you, but it doesn't matter anyway. Okay, bye, Harry!
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-05-11 12:10 am UTC |
That's how I feel too. I feel like you're my sister and I wish that you could be my sister for real, too. I'm jealous of your whole family and most of the time I wish I could be a Weasley, too.
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-05-11 12:43 am UTC |
I wish you could be my brother for real! If you are gay maybe you could date Fred!
(parent)colin__creevey @ 2003-05-11 12:02 am UTC |
I only looked at you like that because I thought you were so cool and I wanted to be just like you but now it is not fair because what if I just wanted to do something nasty to you instead you should not have told anybody you were gay and then I would not have all this trouble and now I just hate you even though I still keep wanting to be like you it is awful and I just want Lessa to make it all better but she won't and there is no one and I'm sorry because I know I drive you crazy but I could have been a good friend to you before all this happened!
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-05-11 12:35 am UTC |
I try to like you but mostly I just wish you would shut up.
(parent)colin__creevey @ 2003-05-11 12:53 am UTC |
Sometimes i wish you'd get killed and then everybody would stop worshiping the ground you walk on INCLUDING ME and then maybe i'd like myself a little better.
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-05-10 11:38 pm UTC |
Harry, the Floo in the upstairs study is linked to Hogwarts.
Do you want someone to come with you? Are you all right?
just_harry @ 2003-05-11 12:00 am UTC |
It's okay I'm better now but I really think I should go home or get away from the computer. Are there any rooms here without a computer?
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-05-11 12:03 am UTC |
Third floor, past the gargoyle in the corridor. No computers there. Lots of books and squishy chairs and photo albums from school and your father's Quidditch gear and some of the things I had saved from their house after they died. It was supposed to be your birthday surprise this summer, because that's your room here now, but I think you need it more tonight.
Go up there and get away from all of this. Sirius and I will come up once this stuff wears off.
I love you, kiddo.
jadedsirius @ 2003-05-10 11:40 pm UTC |
Oh god, Harry, I'm so sorry it's the veritaserum and you know I love you more than anything right?
sinistra @ 2003-05-10 11:44 pm UTC |
Funny how veritaserum makes you say what you really want. Poor Mr Potter. I heard he kissed Lavender Brown last term. I would be gay too if I were him. I live for other people's gossip because my life is empty otherwise. I spent two hours trying to pick out my robes today just so I would look nice for your wedding you ungrateful bastards. And these robes pinch my ribs and make it hard to breathe.
(parent)goyle @ 2003-05-10 11:51 pm UTC |
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-05-11 12:13 am UTC |
I didn't know that. I love you, too. You're the best thing that ever happened to me and I'm afraid you don't love me enough to keep me around.
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2003-05-11 12:18 am UTC |
Never ever say that. I love you. Like the son I will never have. You are my son.
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-05-11 12:46 am UTC |
And mine. If you'll have me. Harry, please, please believe us.
If you weren't bloody seventeen in two months and bloody legal I'd march Sirius up to the Ministry and we'd adopt you tomorrow.
just_harry @ 2003-05-11 01:10 am UTC |
I used to wish you guys would adopt me so that you had to stay with me, but then I would have to change my name and I want to keep it.
(parent)colin__creevey @ 2003-05-10 11:54 pm UTC |
If I like you does that make me gay because if it does I will hate you and I will do something awful to you because I want my girlfriend back and why doesn't anybody like me?
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-10 11:57 pm UTC |
(parent)seekercho @ 2003-05-11 12:00 am UTC |
I am starting to think Malfoy was right about a lot of things but he's still a prat but I guess he has a point sometimes because really, some of the people in this school are really annoying!!!!
Ron I really wish you liked me more because I like you and your really like a little brother sometimes and I am sorry for everything but not for loving Ginny.
- Cho
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-11 12:05 am UTC |
I'm not LITTLE!!! Ginny is! And I don't hate you, I think you're really cool, I think all girls should be like you, I think Ginny is safe with you and the contract was just so you know I'm not joking about it, I'll still kill you if you hurt Ginny, we used to play House when we're kids and pretend to get married and I think I'm responsible for making sure Ginny ends up with the best person and you're pretty darn close but I'll like you more if you can make me stop talking
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-05-11 12:10 am UTC Re: |
If I have to bloody marry someone I want her to be just like you!
(parent)seekercho @ 2003-05-11 12:10 am UTC |
Oh RON!!!!
I will never hurt her and I promise that I will always look after her and I think I love you.
artistic_flower @ 2003-05-11 12:07 am UTC |
Cho, I really wanted to say that I admire you for having the courage to love Ginny when your family is against it, and that you two look really pretty together and I hope I find someone as nice and wonderful as Ginny.
colin__creevey @ 2003-05-11 12:27 am UTC |
i never did anything to you why do you hate me so much you look at me like i'm some kind of freak anymore! and i could say you're the freak but i won't because i really like you and Ginny and i like everybody but now nobody will talk to me! and it's not like i've done anything wrong! hell that bloody prick Malfoy is getting more sympathy than you than me and it's not fair! i really hate being a Gryffindor!
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-05-11 12:05 am UTC |
I like you Colin, I think you're funny! Except I hate that you stole Soblessa from me, but that's it really.
(parent)colin__creevey @ 2003-05-11 12:18 am UTC |
everybody likes you you don't need Lessa she's the only one who cares about me! and what do you mean stole did you have a crush on her before Cho!
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-05-11 12:24 am UTC |
Of course I didn't, she was just my best friend, and then she started spending all her time with you instead, and I miss her!
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-05-11 12:31 am UTC |
People don't like you because you're bloody irritating and I hate your camera and I want to smash it sometimes so you stop taking all those pictures of me because you make me look like a creep when you do it and I hate it because I have to be nice to you when you just get on my nerves. And if you mention Malfoy one more time I'll punch you. And I don't know if it makes you gay or not because I don't know what you think and don't tell me because I don't want to know and if you do tell me I'll throw up.
(parent)colin__creevey @ 2003-05-11 12:51 am UTC |
You let Malfoy walk all over you! and you just sit there and take it and it makes me think what kind of a hero is that anyway! and you're probably too much of a priss to swing a punch at me when i tell you how disgusting he is and if wanting to be like you makes me like that then i hate you!! and i don't want to ever tell you anything because i don't want anything to do with you and if you never liked me taking pictures why didn't you just tell me to STOP you ass!!!!! I'm NOT bloody deaf!! You act like the whole world is supposed to be revolve around you and act all sympathetic when you want to pull your stupid little brooding act! and the REST of us want to go off and sulk somewhere and be by ourselves and brood a lot but NO only YOU get to do that because only YOU'RE the sodding hero everybody coddles and looks up to and I HATE IT because I DO IT TOO but nobody worries over me and nobody cares!! and it's not fair because really what do YOU do that the rest of us can't? i bet you don't even know what do DO with a Nikon ultra-vox 32-mm solar-filtered tripod but I DO!! and I take GORGEOUS pictures nobody ever looks at because they're too busy ogling YOUR STUPID SCAR! AND you don't DESERVE that much attention NOBODY does and all i EVER wanted was for you to be NICE to me and you can't even do THAT because you're so obsessed with making yourself look like this totally average kid who blends in and that just makes you standout more and people like me can't ever get to just be ourselves because we're too busy trying to be like you and where does it get us!!! It gets us nowhere and we have to put up with the people we used to love turning around and treating us like shit and i hope you're happy because nobody else sees what an ass it makes you instead of me, and maybe you don't want me taking pictures but I've got a picture in my head of you now and it's not ever going away.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-05-11 01:12 am UTC |
Not very much. I'm better at Quidditch than everyone else in the school but that's the only thing.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-05-11 12:07 am UTC |
I really didn't want to hear that about my dad. I think that's gross and I thought that he just loved my mom and now I have no idea. It's almost as gross as you sleeping with Snape, but Snape is grosser because he's oily and smelly and disgusting and I bet my dad at least bathed or something and I don't understand why you and Remus sleep with so many people and why aren't you enough for each other? Because you know what is going to happen? You are going to find other people or you are going to get jealous and break up or something and what's the point of even having a family if you can't keep it? Because sometimes I almost wish that I never met you and Remus because I don't want to lose you but sometimes when you guys do stuff like this it's like you don't even care about me at all or care about each other and do you know where I can go where there are no computers?
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2003-05-11 12:14 am UTC |
Harry. I'm sorry, but the Veritaserum...
That happened long ago. Before your mother and father were even together. It has nothing to do with you.
What I've done in the past is my business, but I'm sorry you had to hear about it this way.
And Remus hasn't slept with many people at all, please don't think of him like that. He deserves better.
I cannot take it all back. I am sorry. I will leave you alone if you wish.
just_harry @ 2003-05-11 12:41 am UTC |
I don't want you to leave me alone. You're the closest thing I ever had to a dad and I need you. And I know it's not my business and I wish I hadn't heard about it but it keeps happening and that makes it my business because you said that we're a family and when you do stuff like that it means we're not going to stay a family and that is my business unless you don't want to be a family with me. And then I guess it's not.
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2003-05-11 12:50 am UTC |
Of course I want us to be a family. I cannot change the things I have done. Azkaban... well, I just hope you never have to find out what it's like. I think you have some clue. But it... leaves you empty. You have to fill that void. And no one is perfect, but I love Remus and I love you and I would never leave either of you.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-05-11 01:15 am UTC |
Okay. I want you to promise me when you can't lie, though.
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2003-05-11 01:19 am UTC |
I can't lie now, nor would I want to. I promise with all my heart.
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-05-11 12:40 am UTC |
I am so, so sorry, Harry. You have every right to feel the way you do and frankly I don't blame you, it's hard to see things like that about someone you love and there really isn't much you can do about it but let it hurt and I wish there were something I could tell you to to reassure you that Sirius and I will always be together but there isn't, all marriages are a risk and a leap of faith and that's exactly what I did when I married your godfather, I took a chance on him and I don't know what will happen but I know that I love him dearly, more than anyone else I have ever been with (both of them) and that whatever happens it was worth it.
But remember that Azkaban and a curse couldn't keep us apart, Harry. I don't think anything else stands a chance.
One thing I can say before this potion wears off is that Sirius and I will never, ever, EVER leave you. We will always be with you in whatever way we can be and we will always love you, you have no idea how much and if I had to and if Sirius had to we would lay our lives down for you in a heartbeat. We would have done the same for your parents and you are no exception. We're your family and I have only ever wanted to give you the family that was taken away from you and that includes parents and brothers and sisters. You always talk about the Weasleys and I wish I could give you a house of siblings like them but I can't, but I have you and Sirius and that is all I will ever, ever need.
Your dad loved your mum so much, Harry. You're living proof.
lupercus @ 2003-05-11 12:55 am UTC |
I'm not going anywhere, love. You're stuck with me forever. Literally because werewolves are immortal and I never talk about this but I'll outlive everyone that I love and oh God I don't want to think about that but it's all that I ever think about that I love you and Sirius so much and I'm going to be the last one left behind in the end and I don't know if I can stand being alone again for so long I need you and Sirius more than I think you need me.
Harry where are you? Are you still in the house?
just_harry @ 2003-05-11 01:18 am UTC |
I'm still in the house. I'm locked in the bathroom with the laptop. I'm getting pretty tired but I think I'll just sleep here.
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-05-11 01:28 am UTC |
After I shut down all these bloody computers and get rid of them forever I will come sit on the other side of the bathroom door. You can sleep in there there if you want to, Harry, though you don't have to because I want you to come out and talk to us, but if you do I will be right out in the hall keeping watch and Sirius is right beside me.
And we're not leaving.