just_harry @ 2003-06-06 00:37:00

I really don't care if I never have to deal with another Runespoor ever again. I stopped by this evening and the one that we managed to put a clampjaw curse on last night seemed to be okay, but the rest had bitten themselves bloody. I put the clampjaw on them, too, and I hope Remus doesn't mind, but I'm just so sick of them I don't even really care if they gnaw their own heads off. I figured it was probably okay since he didn't say anything about the first one when I saw him this morning.

It took forever to get to sleep last night because when I got back I found out that someone had dumped a bunch of junk all over my bed, and I thought I got it all cleared off, but whenever I turned I kept rolling over onto another stupid action figure or snow globe or something. Ron and I went through all the stuff after dinner and he kept a few things but most of it we just tried to burn. It wasn't long before it stunk up the whole common room, though, so I don't know how I'm going to get rid of it all now.

Remus and Sirius say I can have Ron and Hermione over this summer as much as I want, and Ron might come with us on some of our trips. I hope so, anyway. I think I'm ready for summer holidays to start right now.


lupercus @ 2003-06-05 11:36 pm UTC


All I can say is thank God this week is over, and those Runespoor are going back to wherever the hell they came from. Nasty little buggers. I'm glad I only have to teach them once a year. Thanks for that Clampjaw Curse, though... well, I only wish the other two hadn't decided to damage themselves in the meantime. Might be a bit dodgy sending that one back.

Er... was it you in the Menagerie last night? I saw that the cages had been moved around a bit, and I thought I caught your scent in the room but... well, it seemed a bit off, so I wasn't sure. Anyway, it's not a problem if you were in there, just next time remember to spell-lock the door when you leave, alright?

Busy this weekend? I thought Sirius and I would take Rosie home for a romp in the gardens. You're welcome to come along if you want!


just_harry @ 2003-06-06 11:48 am UTC

I'm sorry I forgot to lock the door. I'm pretty sure I remembered last night, but I must've been distracted on Wednesday night. I talked with them for a long time but the first one was way too far gone to even care I was saying anything, and I think listening to the first one gave the other ones ideas.

I don't have anything going on this weekend. I'd really like to go home. Can we leave right after my last class today?

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-06 07:33 am UTC

Hello, Potter.

M. B.

just_harry @ 2003-06-06 11:49 am UTC

Hey, Millicent.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-06 11:51 am UTC

Hello, Potter.

M. B.

just_harry @ 2003-06-06 11:53 am UTC

Hey, Millicent.

H. P.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-06 11:55 am UTC

Hello, Potter.

just_harry @ 2003-06-06 11:59 am UTC


petitemillicent @ 2003-06-06 12:01 pm UTC


M. B.

just_harry @ 2003-06-06 12:03 pm UTC


petitemillicent @ 2003-06-06 12:05 pm UTC


M. B.

just_harry @ 2003-06-06 12:12 pm UTC


la_pensee @ 2003-06-06 05:44 pm UTC

Hello, darling.

just_harry @ 2003-06-06 10:23 pm UTC

Hi, Pansy.

la_pensee @ 2003-06-06 05:43 pm UTC

Oh, darling! How very exciting to be able to have your friends over this summer! I myself would not mind having Ron over to visit me.

just_harry @ 2003-06-06 10:24 pm UTC

I think he's busy.
