just_harry @ 2002-05-24 14:37:00 |
It's just not fair. Snape is just not letting us go because he hates us. It's perfectly safe to go to the match! Voldemort is over in BULGARIA or wherever. Snape just hates us. And he didn't even let Sirius say if I could go and I know that Sirius would have let me and Sirius is my guardian, not Snape.
It was hard to get tickets to Chudley and I've never got to see them before. And I really wanted to see Maloney. And how come it's safe to go to Hogsmeade but it isn't safe to go to see Chudley? Sirius would have gone with us, it's not like we would have been alone.
I hate this journal.
colin__creevey @ 2002-05-24 12:54 pm UTC |
Cor, Harry I'm sorry about this Saturday!! That really stinks that Professor Snape is picking on you just because you're Harry Potter! Honestly, can't people get over that?!
Well, don't worry Harry! You're still the best Quidditch player Gryffindor as seen in AGES! Maybe we can meet up for butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks! Are you game, Harry!? Just give me a post and let me know!! =^D
just_harry @ 2002-05-24 11:49 pm UTC |
Yes, thanks, Colin. I might see you at Hogsmeade. Maybe. So, if I see you, then maybe, okay?
(parent)![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-24 01:02 pm UTC |
Harry, there has to be a way we can still go to the match, there HAS to be! It's the Cannons!
just_harry @ 2002-05-24 11:55 pm UTC |
Sirius mught still say yes, and if he does, then Snape and Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall would have to let us go, right?
I don't know. I'll talk to you about it later. We'll figure something out. We HAVE to.
potions_master @ 2002-05-24 01:56 pm UTC |
Mr. Potter,
I must inform you that this decision for you not to attend this quidditch game was the Headmaster's as well as Professor McGonagall's. Apparently, you are under the impression that special allowances will be made for a celebrity such as yourself.
While Mr. Black would have been able to attend with you, do you really want to put him in a position to be forced to defend you against two, maybe more opponents that were out to harm you and your friends? Seems like a selfish wish on your end to endanger someone else because you want to see a quidditch match.
Well, they say every "hero" has a tragic flaw. Ten points from Gryffindor for your insolence.
-Professor Snape
missgranger @ 2002-05-24 03:28 pm UTC |
I know you wanted to go, Harry, and it would've been fun, but I'm sure you can see how it's much less dangerous to stay here. And there's still Hogsmeade - we can go and have butterbeer and check out Fred and George's shop - it'll be great fun.
just_harry @ 2002-05-25 12:04 am UTC |
Yeah, I guess so. I just really wanted to go to the match. I've never been, and it would have been just amazing. I guess Hogsmeade will still be fun. It'll be great to see the joke shop, anyway.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-05-24 04:42 pm UTC |
So, you think you should be able to go to a match just because your guardian is a professor? Think again, Potter! Snape said Dumbledore said you couldn't go. I suppose you're just in too much of a shock over the fact that your hero turned you down. Get out of your denial, Potter. Dumbledore isn't kissing your feet this time. I'm rather shocked myself, but overall pleased.