knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-20 06:38:00

Current mood: accomplished
Current music:malfoystinksmore

This is still a very bad idea.
What, in the name of sanity, is HE doing here?! He can't even remember his name! Why the hell did he add me to his friends list?! I only added him back because he added Hermione and everyone and their hair curlers know s how that self-obsessed idiot preys on innocent girls. Mind you, I will kill him if he tries anything with Hermione. Brainless git!

It seems like my whole family has decided to join this retarded community, if I wanted my brothers breathing down my neck, I would have asked. I'm glad Fred and George are here, though, at least they can appreciate a good joke when they see one. Unlike Percy who should be sending us wedding invitations anytime soon. "Percy Weasley and Cauldron of Perfect Thickness would like to cordially invite you to witness a touching union..."

Ginny doesn't seem too keen on joining, said it sounds like a bad idea. Finally someone agrees with me, good old Ginny! Anyway, nothing much to say here, today was pretty uneventful, other than the incident in Professor Black's class that I will now erase from my memory. Quidditch practice was called off, thanks to the Slimerins and their oily house head who claimed to have booked the place before us. Likely story, that is.

I spent Divination brushing up my drawing skills. I'm rather proud of it, really. In fact, I got Hermione to teach me how to use the bloody Scanel so I can air my little masterpiece. Behold, Malfoy the Amazingly Ugly!

Ha ha ha!


potterstinks @ 2002-05-18 11:29 pm UTC

Oh, very clever, Weasel. I suppose you had to iron out the picture. I'm sure it was rather crumpled, what with being kept under your pillow and all.

knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-18 11:45 pm UTC

Actually, Goyle dropped it on his way out of Potions class. Poor you. Hahaha!

perfectprefect @ 2002-05-19 12:06 am UTC


While I can appreciate the irony of defacing a picture of Draco Malfoy, have you considered how this will look? I work at the Ministry, Ronald, and it will not do for my brothers to be starting public spats with other wizards. Also, Father works at the Ministry, though between you and I, I suspect that my job is more in the public-eye.


knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-19 01:39 am UTC


Go away.

