la_pensee @ 2003-04-25 19:04:00

House Elves and House Rivalries
I think I may have been too harsh on Hermione Granger last night, over her views on House Elves. I do find it all very upsetting, because it really isn't very fair to claim you know everything about a world you have only been in for six years. I wouldn't point this out but for the fact that Hermione pointed it out herself, as though this gave her reason to know more than us. It would be nice if people would think about others before they speak. Of course there's nothing wrong with only having been here six years, my point is that you can't say you know more than those who have been here our whole lives. I still find it tragic that House rivalry has extended so deeply that everywhere I go it's with the stigma of Slytherin. I love my House, just like everyone else does theirs, and what's wrong with that? I suppose if you believe rumours and slander, there's a great deal wrong with it.

I was still a bit cranky over that today, but I soon forgot when I spotted a parcel from Mrs Malfoy flying into the Great Hall at breakfast. Her wrapping is so easy to spot. Well, you can imagine my surprise when the owl skipped right over the Slytherin table and went to Harry Potter. It is not that there is anything wrong with Harry Potter, but poor Draco has been feeling so down lately that I'm sure a parcel from his mother would have cheered him up. The last one she sent was even delivered by Harry, and I know Mrs Malfoy only had Draco's best interests in heart but I think that may not have been the best choice for Draco right now. Now to see his mother giving Harry the dragonhide gloves she loves to give out, I don't think Draco is very happy. I tried to give my poor darling a backrub, but he was otherwise occupied with hexing the legs off of all of the chairs. He's so precise when he's angry.

I had hoped to practise my Breaking Charm tonight, but it seems like Draco has already perfected it enough for all of us so I will ask him for help on the weekend. I do wish he'd let me do something for him, but then I expect he wouldn't be Draco.

It's times like these that I'm thankful for my baking.


lupercus @ 2003-04-25 05:52 pm UTC

I still find it tragic that House rivalry has extended so deeply that everywhere I go it's with the stigma of Slytherin.

House rivalry is a very powerful thing, Pansy, and probably the one thing I have never quite agreed with about Hogwarts. Several hundred years ago (at least) I was myself a Gryffindor, but would you believe that my grandfather and my mother were both Slytherin? They married a Gryffindor and a Ravenclaw, respectively, so on occasion the rivalry can be thwarted. The heart knows no houses, though unfortunately most of the time it is overruled by the bigotries of the head. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, and so on.

Anyway, what your wordy old professor is getting at is that while rivalry is powerful, the choices you make are even moreso. I'm sure the Headmaster has a more poetic way of saying so, but all I will say is that there is no reason not to love your house and the virtues you possess that placed you there. I think the problem starts when love becomes pride. Things get muddy after that.

Cheers, Pansy, and should you ever feel like parting with a few of those pastries you make, you know where my office is.

- Professor Lupin

purestblood @ 2003-04-25 06:21 pm UTC

I do find it all very upsetting, because it really isn't very fair to claim you know everything about a world you have only been in for six years.

Excellent reasoning, Miss Parkinson. However, I did find her post most enlightening for the glimpse of the muggle mentality that it offered. I think it's safe to say that it's a mentality I hope never to encounter again.

Lucius Malfoy