la_pensee @ 2004-04-27 13:09:00

Mother sent a letter this morning, saying she has arrived in France safely with all her important things and wouldn't I reconsider joining her? Of course, I have told her I couldn't possibly. After all, there are too many reasons to stay at Hogwarts at the moment, and besides, father is still doing business in other parts of the world and staying in that tiny summer house with her would drive me mad, I'm certain.

I have just gotten over another terrible cold, but I fear I've got a secondary infection in my chest that I haven't been able to shake since this winter. I am certain I have swallowed enough teas and potions for five people, but the coughing still remains. I suppose, however, the summer shall do it some good.

It seems though that in my absence I have missed a certain incident involving my darling Draco and a certain miss Lavender Brown. It should be unsurprising that I am displeased over the whole affair, as honestly I don't think I have ever advocated any behaviour similar to that which was going on. However, it is entirely unfair to blame Lavender's injuries on Draco alone. It wasn't as if he thrust a fist directly at her face in an intentional attempt to break her nose or some other part of her body.

From so far as I could glean from that Patil girl's entry and other gossip, it was accidental that Lavender broke any bones and as unpleasant as being covered in mud might be, it certainly isn't far worse than some of the other pranks that have been done by other people in other houses. I admit, perhaps, Draco did push her in a somewhat ungentlemanly fashion, but it wasn't as if he kicked her when she fell or threw her into the ground. But, of course, I wonder if people would be so horribly upset if Draco had been injured, and Lavender the one to do the pushing, or would people merely assume he deserved it for some reason or another?

I sent Lavender a bouquet of pink carnations and a get well card, though I haven't actually had the chance to talk to her. I am sure she is as everyone says, a very sweet girl who has never done a thing to merit such an unfortunate occurrence. I do not know her well so I honestly I could not say. Though people seem so angry at Draco for the small and unintentional part he played in her being sent to hospital, I cannot help but wonder how much more damage has Lavender inflicted upon herself, possibly even knowingly, if the rumours I've heard are true? I can only assume that she, like every one of us, has her own share of problems which, of course, might explain her behaviour.


divineparvati @ 2004-04-28 04:18 am UTC

Having seven years to hear it, you'd think you'd know my name, Pansy.

la_pensee @ 2004-04-28 05:33 am UTC

Next time I shall be sure to properly address you by your full name.

divineparvati @ 2004-04-28 06:02 am UTC

Do you even know it, I wonder?

la_pensee @ 2004-04-28 06:20 am UTC

Certainly. Even if I didn't, it's in your userinfo.

divineparvati @ 2004-04-28 06:24 am UTC

How astute of you. So glad we had this conversation, honestly.

potterstinks @ 2004-04-30 12:53 pm UTC

Are you sure you ought to be pointing out the fact that no one cares what your name is?

potterstinks @ 2004-04-30 12:53 pm UTC

It most certainly was accidental. As though I would break someone's arm. Please.