lupercus @ 2003-06-25 13:22:00

Current mood: drained
Current music:Sirius

Am stealing a moment on Poppy's computer to update everyone on the situation.

As Lisa posted, the fourth-year Ravenclaw have been found alive and perfectly healthy, though frightened out of their wits. We've also located the second-year Hufflepuff and while half of them are currently being looked after by the Healers, the other half were not so lucky. The dungeons are now an emergency morgue. I don't recommend anyone go down there unless they absolutely have to.

Harry's been found, and I've been to see him. I will be honest with all of you - he doesn't look well. The Healers are doing their best, and they've stopped most of the bleeding, but Harry won't wake up and I just couldn't stand it in there any longer. Sirius is with him right now, sometimes as Padfoot but mostly as himself. When I left, he was perched beside Harry's bed, singing some old Muggle songs to him that I never knew he knew, and being a nuisance in general to the Healers. But no one has the heart to tell him to go away.

I am torn between wanting to be there for Harry and not wanting to be in the way so I am sort of hovering nearby. I've sequestered myself in Poppy's office, and if anyone - students or staff - needs someone to talk to about what's happened, I am available. I can't pretend I understand it at all myself, but maybe we can all help one another to understand. I don't know, I don't know much of anything anymore.

Time to close the door. I can hear Sirius singing about sunshine, and clouds of gray, and it's getting hard to see the computer monitor.

Knock if you need me, Hogwarts.


wehaveseven @ 2003-06-25 02:34 pm UTC

oi remus its charlie at home with mum and dad. i got your owl thanks for telling me whats going on.

i am going to be around for a while because mum is in a state and dads at the ministry with bill so someone has to look after the house. just call me house elf charlie.

keep in touch and keep your chin up wolfboy i think harry will pull through. hes a strong lad. the boy will live!!!

cheers, charlie

ps; sorry about the mushy icon mum stupid thing only gives you THREE now grr