lupercus @ 2003-07-09 19:11:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Sirius is gone, and the house is of course completely empty without him. Rosie wanders about, looking for him, and then she comes to me completely confused as to why Padfoot isn't there to play with. And I don't know what to tell her, because I am wondering the same thing.
Charlie's been on the fire - still no sign of Cho Chang. I'm beginning to suspect that she may very well have gone and splinched herself somewhere. They've got the Missing Witches and Wizards Squad looking for her, now.
At least I've had an owl from Harry, and he seems cheerful enough. I sincerely hope Albus has a reason for taking both of my men away from me. This summer was supposed to be about indoor Quiddich, Apparation Licenses and teaching that boy how to drink properly. Instead, it's just me, my dog, and the house-elves.
I need a drink.
lupercus @ 2003-07-09 12:27 pm UTC |
Certainly. Only next time, Seamus, when I say "drop in for a visit," don't take me so literally. Ouch.
seamus_f @ 2003-07-09 12:30 pm UTC |
Sorry about that. At least I got the right room, and no splinch! Don't I get credit for that?
This is very good, by the way.
Professor, you look tired.
lupercus @ 2003-07-09 12:52 pm UTC |
I suppose, not splinching yourself is a good thing. Knocking out your Professor, however...
I am tired, Seamus. Thank you for noticing. And you?
seamus_f @ 2003-07-09 01:05 pm UTC |
I didn't knock you out, Professor! I merely jostled you. And if I had knocked you out, at least I would have known what to do.
I am, well, you know. I'm about the same as ever, I suppose.
Really, professor, I think you should have a lie down. I can start dinner; I do know how to cook. Mum said I could say however long but I do intend to earn my keep.
lupercus @ 2003-07-09 02:20 pm UTC |
That was not a mere jostle, Seamus. You landed on my head.
I don't know if you should attempt cooking, Seamus - it's not you I fear, but the house-elves are accustomed to Sirius being the one to cook, and they're very protective of his kitchen. I suppose, though, I could go and have a word with them on your behalf.
I'm expecting company this evening - Narcissa Malfoy - so if you want to cook you'll be cooking for three. Or six, from what Narcissa tells me, she's been eating herself out of house and home as of late.
Perhaps I will have a lie-down, Seamus. Let's go to the kitchens, I'll show you around a bit.
And thank you.
seamus_f @ 2003-07-09 03:32 pm UTC |
Oh, well, in that case, perhaps I won't cook. House elves and I, we really don't get along that well.
I'll just play with Rosie. She looks like she needs a run. You nap; I'll be sure you're awake in time for Mrs. Malfoy's arrival.
lupercus @ 2003-07-10 02:31 am UTC |
Love, you know that I would if I could, in a Hogsmeade minute. Dumbledore won't let me remove you from the premises, but if they're being horrible, I could come and growl at them for you, if you like.
Are you all right, dear? You would let me know if anything's going wrong?
- Remus
just_harry @ 2003-07-10 02:36 am UTC |
No, everything's okay, I guess. I'm fine. I just miss you is all.
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-07-10 02:40 am UTC |
I miss you like you would not believe, my dear boy.
And I am well aware of how everything is - I have a few sets of eyes on Privet Drive, you know. We'll get you out of there as soon as the old codger - er, your esteemed Headmaster - gives the word.
Sirius sent you his love, before he left. I wish I knew where he's gone. You're to look for an owl from him.
Do you need anything? Anything at all?
- Remus
just_harry @ 2003-07-10 02:46 am UTC |
No, not really, I guess. I just want to be there instead.
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-07-10 02:51 am UTC |
You will be. I swear it.
Goodnight, Harry. You are loved.