lupercus @ 2003-07-13 19:28:00

Current mood:hungover
Current music:Absolutely nothing.

I solemnly swear that I was up to no good.
I've no time really, as moonrise is in just a couple of hours, but I wanted to write about this beforehand as I've a tendency to lose memories to the bloody transformation.

Found myself south of London last night, completely unexpected of course as it takes a Floo, a journey on the Muggle Underground, and the Knight Bus to get where I wound up, which was remarkably close to a certain neighbourhood in a particular part of Surrey. And, while resting in a park in order to regain my bearings, who should come trotting along at sundown but my wonderful oddson! Imagine that. What a remarkable coincidence, that I should find myself all the way down there and Harry should just happen along, though apparently he visits that park every night. Not that I knew anything about that, of course.

It seemed a shame not to take advantage of the situation so Harry and I nipped down the neighbourhood Muggle pub for a few rounds and a couple of shots (Jameson's, which isn't Firewhisky by any means but the Irish are about as non-Muggle as you can get in the Muggle world), and then we swapped manly stories over a game of snooker. I can't recall who won, though really it was most likely me, as Harry is completely useless with a cue except as a means to poke out unsuspecting eyeballs. It really is quite entertaining to watch. The conversation, however, was definitely worth it. I don't know the last time I've laughed so hard. I don't know the last time I've seen Harry laugh so hard.

In the end it was a brilliant visit, as Harry has become a remarkable young man not for any reason other than that he is just himself, and a wonderful himself he is. Even if he is a complete lightweight. Will have to train him up a bit on that. We stumbled off back to Privet Drive in the wee hours of the morning, and I do hope that woman didn't give him any trouble once he got in. For her sake.

It was such a wrench to leave him there, I felt completely helpless, because those people are horrid and unworthy and I'd much rather turn them all into squid than leave Harry there with them, however I've got no say in the matter, apparently. Though, I'm owling Dumbledore again today to see if we can't sort something out, at least by August, to get that boy out of there. And it's funny, I was surprised by the lack of a Howler from Dumbledore this morning, however I did have one from Arabella, ranting about abducting the boy and corrupting him beyond redemption (though, to be fair, I didn't really have to do much corrupting), but she can send all the bloody Howlers she likes because I will visit my boy as I see fit, and God save anyone who gets in the way. So, I'd suggest that folk mind their own bloody business, for once.

Also, I've a big announcement to make soon, but not yet. There are still some things that need to be finalised, lists and preparations and plans to be made. I'll have a job of it come next week, let me tell you.

But first - I've an owl or two to send and a codger to bother, before I lock myself down in the cellar for the night. Seamus, Charlie - I'll see you both on Monday - late morning, if you please. Narcissa, cheers for looking after Rosie.

And Harry? Thank you, for just being you. I'll see you again soon, love, and I promise to show you how to do that trick, with the thing. It just takes practise, of course.

PS: Sirius, if you can read this, I miss you.

