lupercus @ 2003-07-31 07:30:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | empty house silence |
happy birthday harry!
Am a bit tupsy sorry. Went to Surrey to see Harry for his birthday as a surprise. sat in the park and passed the bottle and had a good chat, good chat. Am worried about the boy however as he looked pale and peaky and bloody miserable though he seemed a bit more cheerful when he got to the park and found me. anyway it was great fun as we watched the minutes tick off to midnight and then Harry turned seventeen. Happy birthday Harry! Stayed a bit too long after that but couldn't bring myself to leave so we may have talked some more, mostly about missing sirius and more about missing sirius and that's pretty much all we talked about really, and then we watched the sun come up and then I took him home much to the amusement of his aunt I'm certain. at least harry had the sense to do a sobering charm on himself. he can do that now you know.
Have just gotten in as I decided to take the knight bus and not risk Apparating under the influence. Sirius used to get so many citations for doing that and leaving fingers and toes behind in pubs across england. i've got to be a role model you know because it's not like sirius is here and I'm alone and so is harry, and i bloody miss him and i am this close to banishing AlbusbloodyDumbldore to Siberia or somewhere unpleasant because this is
hang on someone's just apparated into the hall. better go and