lupercus @ 2003-09-04 23:43:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | grumbling |
I love teaching, I love teaching, I love teaching, I love teaching...
You have not truly lived until you have removed a Billywig sting from the elbow of a small girl. Sandy Gudgeon spent the remainder of the lesson tethered to my desk to prevent her from floating off into the aether. Meanwhile, Sherman Hopkirk managed to swallow a Chizpurfle. I have absolutely no idea how or why, and I do not envy Madame Pomfrey right now. Or the Chizpurfle.
Yet another exciting day in the Care of Magical Creatures.
Was on my way to the library this afternoon when I ran into a sulky, monosyllabic Sirius. He did not have much to say and I didn't press. It wasn't the time nor the place. We did agree to talk at the weekend, though I admit that I am not much looking forward to it. It's very easy to imagine it's 1975 again and Sirius and I are having a row about his latest prank on Severus. He would pout and sulk his way back into my good graces and eventually I would cave in and we'd be all right again, trotting off after James to raid the kitchen or torment some first-years.
It was always like that with us back then, but it isn't now. Not anymore.
Spoke by fire with Narcissa last night, and as frazzled as the poor dear seemed she was still very gracious when I asked her advice on something. I think she was grateful for the distraction. At any rate I came away from the chat quite a bit wiser, and I hope that she was a little calmer. She needs to get away from being away, I think.
Ah, Severus is here with my potion. I think I'll keep him around for a quick bit of chess. I'm not really very tired tonight and he looks surly. Perfect.
seamus_f @ 2003-09-05 03:52 pm UTC |
Meanwhile, Sherman Hopkirk managed to swallow a Chizpurfle. I have absolutely no idea how or why, and I do not envy Madame Pomfrey right now. Or the Chizpurfle.
You don't have to envy Madame Pomfrey. You can envy ME. Thanks much.
How goes? Ghosts getting to you?
lupercus @ 2003-09-05 05:26 pm UTC |
Ah, so you had the honour of retrieving the Chizpurfle. I can't imagine it was very impressed by the whole business. Such a noble profession you've chosen to follow, Seamus.
Ghosts getting to me? Yes, in a sense, though I've no problem with the ones residing in this castle. The ones in my head however are another story.
And you? How is your seventh year progressing so far?
seamus_f @ 2003-09-06 11:22 pm UTC |
It is what it is: my last year here. I will get through it, and then, hopefully, wander off to London and St. Mungo's, and life will carry on from there in some fashion or another.
It would appear that you have someone helping you with the ghosts in your head anyway, so I'll leave you to it.
lupercus @ 2003-09-07 11:21 am UTC |
I think you will do well at St Mungo's. They could use you there.
I'd actually rather you not leave me to it, and pop in for a spot of tea whenever you've the chance. I'd love a chat.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-09-06 06:54 am UTC |
I have moved on since our firechat. Your owl did manage to find me, nonetheless. I am both pleased and surprised at your news. Expect a very lengthy reply to arrive any moment now.
lupercus @ 2003-09-06 11:57 am UTC |
Splendid. Remind me to tell you about the fork incident. I think you'll find it amusing if nothing else, though I am more optimistic for it.
Are you certain this is wise? I don't know. I've never done this sort of thing before. I'm not very used to it.
- Remus
blondenarcissa @ 2003-09-06 12:04 pm UTC |
The fork incident? Curiouser and curiouser. I expect I shall indeed find it amusing at the very least.
Yes, Remus, I do believe this to be wise. Stop doubting yourself and over-analyzing things and simply allow yourself to become enraptured with the euphoria. You will grow of use to it more quickly than you think.
lupercus @ 2003-09-06 12:11 pm UTC |
You're right of course. I do know this but I think failure is making it difficult for me to let myself feel truly positive about anything at the moment. It will probably never really go away either.
Where are you now, if I might ask?
- Remus
blondenarcissa @ 2003-09-06 12:21 pm UTC |
I may not be particularly learned in many things but this topic happens to be one of my areas of expertise. Of course I am right. You have to fail a few times before succeeding in life, Remus. I think your time of failing is over and great things will soon be upon you. Do not be so pessimistic; it does not bode well for your complexion.
I am currently visiting an old friend at Salem Witches' Institute.
lupercus @ 2003-09-06 12:31 pm UTC |
You are a patient soul, my lady, to try and teach an old queen new tricks.
I will try not to give myself any more wrinkles, though I'm certain it's too late for that now. I've already gone back to gray again!
Thankfully, it is occuring slowly. I can appreciate this, as I have learnt my lesson about being hasty. Something like this - it needn't be rushed, I don't think. Slow and steady won the race, you know.
Salem! I am perfectly green, as I've always wanted to go there. How is it?
- Remus
blondenarcissa @ 2003-09-06 12:41 pm UTC |
As are you patient to endure my many trials and tribulations. And you are not so old, Remus.
Gray is rather dignified, I think. You look distinguished.
Rushing anything is usually not wise and I am in agreement that this in particular needs to be cultivated over time. It shall bear more fruit this way.
How is Salem? Very. . .Puritan, Salem.
lupercus @ 2003-09-06 12:49 pm UTC |
Oh, I'm older than I look, my dear. It's all on the inside. Though if gray is distinguished then I may be the most distinguished fellow in the whole of Hogwarts, second to Dumbledore of course. I should only hope I would wear it so well as he.
Yes, I'd compare the situation to growing Mandrakes, though I don't think it'd be a very flattering analogy (though really, it's rather fitting don't you think?). At any rate, I'll keep you abreast of any new developments. I don't think I can do this alone.
And yes, Salem does have that reputation. Still, I hear it's a lively place come Hallowe'en.
- Remus
potions_master @ 2003-09-06 12:57 pm UTC |
You do not have to try very hard. You are also completely useless at subtlety.
The morning has passed. It is now the afternoon, and it is being no kinder to me than its predecessor.
I assume that you will now inform me as to the events of your day thus far as well, despite my not having requested the information.
lupercus @ 2003-09-06 01:05 pm UTC |
Who was being subtle? I was merely discussing Salem, the effects of aging, and the art of Mandrake cultivation. Nothing more. You are paranoid, Severus.
And since you asked so nicely, my day has been relatively uneventful. Though I was thinking of nipping down to Hogsmeade in a bit to run some errands, before I settle down to mark some essays. I have the privilege of reading twenty essays on Horklumps tonight. Am simply giddy for it.
You? What are your plans for the rest of the day? Yes, I am prying.
potions_master @ 2003-09-06 01:14 pm UTC |
You fool no one, Lupin. You are about as vague as a dragon with indigestion. I am not paranoid.
I am presently departing for the village as well. I am out of scarlet ink, and I have thirty scrolls on aconite to fail. The weather is agreeable enough for the journey.
I am leaving now.
lupercus @ 2003-09-06 01:17 pm UTC |
Of course you're not paranoid, Severus. Everyone is out to get you.
Hang on, I'll walk with you. No use in going alone. It's too nice a day for it. I could do with the company.
All right?
potions_master @ 2003-09-06 01:25 pm UTC |
If you must. I likely haven't a choice in the matter.
I shall be in the courtyard. Do not keep me waiting. I have no time for idleness.
lupercus @ 2003-09-06 01:26 pm UTC |
There are always choices, Severus. I keep telling you that. Perhaps one day it'll finally sink in.
On my way.
potions_master @ 2003-09-06 01:00 pm UTC |
I am given to understand that you are well.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-09-06 01:02 pm UTC |
I am now, yes.
I am given to understand that you are as well. I find, by the way, that certain formalities have long gone by the wayside. What do you think of this?
potions_master @ 2003-09-06 01:08 pm UTC |
There is always room for formality and tradition in modern society, Narcissa. I think people would do well to remember the old methods of operation. So much can be avoided if one takes a certain amount of pride and measure in his (or her) actions.
Anything worth doing is worth doing properly.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-09-06 01:12 pm UTC |
Although it is typically a rare occassion, I find that we are in total agreement on this issue, Severus. Our actions define other's conceptions of us, after all. I am pleased that you think as highly of formality and tradition as I.
potions_master @ 2003-09-06 01:23 pm UTC |
We are cut from similar cloth, Narcissa. I was raised with a particular set of values and I do not feel it necessary to question them for the most part. Proper behaviour in times of conversation, business matters, and even courtship result in far more lasting situations than the more common, vulgar methods of those around us. Wouldn't you say?
I also suspect that you and I would agree on far more than just manners. A discussion for another time perhaps.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-09-06 01:52 pm UTC |
I daresay that you and I may be in need of correspondence in the near future, Severus.