goyle in nocturne_alley @ 2003-04-15 07:53:00 |
um the trip wut happend.
poter wusnt wif us the entyr time, sum peeple got lust, um erni staypled my hend to a desk in the minnistrey ther er an orful lott of thees staplud things ther, ayt sum mugl fuud taysted like wizurd food moastly> weerd!! carnt go in the bedrum sumwon is working arownd throaing things doant no hoo cud be peves but then wudnt he be scayred of the bluddy barun????
im begining to think i haf no cloo as to wots goin on, but is that enny difrent to normall? so dus anywun wont a gaym of exploadin snap in the grayt horll??? i bort a new pak in diagonally. anywun? crab? colinn?
Greg :---)
crabbe @ 2003-04-14 11:56 pm UTC |
malfoy has bats and queenie sat on my chocolate frogs today. now i do not have any.
goyle @ 2003-04-15 10:58 pm UTC |
cum up to the compyuter labb (the wun neer the dunjuns) yu can hav won of the wuns thet wun of the ferst yers gayv me just becuz i stud ther fer a long time! lukky, hUh?
oh and loopin tuk ten poynts of slytherrin becuz i fort with erni but he staypled me to a tayble and all i did was hang him on the worl
so unfaer
Greg :-------)