arithmantra in nocturne_alley @ 2003-04-26 12:09:00

Current mood:unimpressed

Attention, Draco Malfoy:

Your detentions with me will start tomorrow and will continue for the remainder of the term. The Headmaster has approved of this course of action, as well as the other forms of discipline you were to receive following last night's occurrences. Should you have any objections I strongly suggest that you take them to the Headmaster, because I have no desire to entertain them, nor, I suspect, do the rest of the faculty. I will be announcing your detentions on a week-by-week basis each Saturday, to begin each Sunday. I or another faculty member will be present during these detentions and will be with you at all times.

SUNDAY: Since you feel so comfortable regurgitating filth, you will have the opportunity to clean it up. You will change the straw, sweep the floors, dispose of the waste, clean the cages, and sanitize the walls of the Owlery. You will have four hours in which to do this, and you will not use magic.

MONDAY: You will acquaint yourself very thoroughly with the Muggle Studies Classroom. You will dust and polish all of the paintings, photographs, picture frames, and display clases, as well as everything in the display cases. And you will re-organize the entire contents of the curriculum file cabinets by chronological and alphabetical order. You will have three hours.

TUESDAY: You are to feed all of the animals being used in Care of Magical Creatures, both in the morning before your lessons, and in the evening before you go to dinner. This will involve not only feeding those in the paddocks, but feeding the smaller animals in the shed behind Hagrid's hut, as well as those being kept in the lake, and those residing in Greenhouse 8. You will have an hour in the morning and another in the evening.

WEDNESDAY: You will be in the kitchens, where you will help wash the entirety of the dinner dishes of Hogwarts. You will be working with a select group of House-Elves, who have been instructed to use no magic while you are with them. You will wash and dry them, and dispose of the food waste. You should allow for three hours, but it might take more, as there are no muggle dishwashers here to speed up the process.

THURSDAY: You will be given a rowboat which you will take out onto the lake, where you will take the exact measurements of its depth for each of twenty-five primary sounding points on the terrain map you will have with you. You may use only a pair of oars and a magical tape measure, but you will locate and cover each of the twenty-five points, and record the depth varations exactly. You will have two hours.

FRIDAY: You will return to the kitchens for breakfast. There you will cook the meals for yourself and each of the fifteen house elves you worked with on Wednesday. You will serve the Elves by yourself, and you will eat alongside them in the kitchens, after which you will clean, wash, and dry all of their dishes--again, by yourself. You will not be allowed the use of magic. You may get up as early as you like to cook the meals: the House-Elves eat their breakfast at 5:30 in the morning: you will be given all the time in between then and your first class to clean, but should you miss your first class you will have the privilege of cooking breakfast for the House-Elves again on Saturday.

SATURDAY: You will spend the entirety of the day with Argus Filch, under his care and supervision. He will be in charge of your detention activities, after which you may check my journal for instructions as to your detentions for the following week.

You are to be outside of the Owlery at 13:00 tomorrow. Do not be late.


petitemillicent @ 2003-04-26 10:20 am UTC

Somebody ought to add to the rule book that homophobia is punishable by child abuse in Hogwarts.

M. B.