boot_boy in nocturne_alley @ 2003-04-29 17:19:00


petitemillicent @ 2003-04-29 03:39 pm UTC

I have always wanted to go on a double-date with Gryffindors.

M. B.

boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 03:41 pm UTC

Is that a yes?

petitemillicent @ 2003-04-29 03:45 pm UTC

Should it be a No?

M. B.

boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 03:57 pm UTC

If it is I will bombard you with poetry.

Your call, really.

petitemillicent @ 2003-04-29 03:59 pm UTC

You will allow me to pick out your dress for the date.

M. B.

boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 04:06 pm UTC

...You mean my dress robes.

petitemillicent @ 2003-04-29 04:08 pm UTC

Are you accusing me of typos?

M. B.

boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 05:36 pm UTC

Well, surely you can't be serious.

petitemillicent @ 2003-04-29 05:44 pm UTC

Would you say you are a size 10 or 12?

M. B.

boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 06:10 pm UTC


A short skirt might be best. I have amazing legs.

petitemillicent @ 2003-04-29 06:19 pm UTC

I look forward to seeing them.

M. B.

boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 06:22 pm UTC

I don't suppose I get any input on your outfit?

petitemillicent @ 2003-04-29 06:29 pm UTC


M. B.

boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 07:09 pm UTC

Does the word "spandex" mean anything to you?

petitemillicent @ 2003-04-29 07:31 pm UTC

Not as much as "heat rash".

M. B.


seamus_f @ 2003-04-29 04:12 pm UTC

To Boot: F I N N I G A N. Is this so difficult?

To Dean: Taking me out means taking me out. Just me. Not a sodding cast of thousands.

This has Bad Idea written all over it.

deanthomas @ 2003-04-29 06:13 pm UTC

Hey...don't get too angry at Boot...he's just not any good with details...

And come on, Shay....we've been spending loads of time together, lately...we missed practically all of Lupin's party on Friday. And I was with you for Easter break. Lots and lots of, you know...bonding time. I just thought it'd be fun to do someting with our friends...?

Besides...Boot said he'd buy us dessert...

seamus_f @ 2003-04-29 06:31 pm UTC

Chocolate. I demand a large quantity of dark chocolate.

And really, it's not my fault I want you all to myself, all the time. It's yours.

deanthomas @ 2003-04-29 06:36 pm UTC

...and how does that work?


seamus_f @ 2003-04-29 06:42 pm UTC

It's not my fault that you're sex on legs, or that you make that little noise when I kiss you so, or that your hand fits perfectly right there, or that when you look at me like that I can't think clearly. NONE of that is my fault.

boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 06:44 pm UTC

Why, Seamus, are you talking to me? I had no idea you cared.


seamus_f @ 2003-04-29 06:49 pm UTC

I don't.

And your legs aren't that good, you know. I'd go for a low-cut thing if I were you. Take advantage of that lack of hair on your chest, and the cleavage.


boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 06:53 pm UTC

You're so cute when you're angry. Your ears light up like a homing beacon.

deanthomas @ 2003-04-29 06:53 pm UTC

Ignore the Boot. He is just jealous. what was that about my little noises? I protest. Nothing about me is "little." >:)

seamus_f @ 2003-04-29 06:59 pm UTC

That explains all of this--nothing about Ms. Millicent is little, either. In the nicest possible way, of course.

Baby, nothing about you is little. And how. Perhaps, low hums? Wee growls?

boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 07:02 pm UTC

Rearrange these words to form a sentence, FinnIgan.





deanthomas @ 2003-04-29 07:11 pm UTC

Would it be immature of me to post this picture on your journal?


boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 07:14 pm UTC


Would it be immature of me to post this picture on your journal?


deanthomas @ 2003-04-29 07:17 pm UTC


seamus_f @ 2003-04-29 07:15 pm UTC

Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you: Drawing isn't the only thing those talented hands are good at, if you know what I mean. ;)

boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 06:40 pm UTC

There will be no schmoop in this journal.


Unless it is between myself and Millicent.

Out, both of you.

deanthomas @ 2003-04-29 06:43 pm UTC


can I schmoop you?

just for the sake of arguement.

boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 06:46 pm UTC

can I schmoop you?

Possibly. I too have fond memories of those moments we spent together under the stairs during third year with the markers and the ornamental bookends.

deanthomas @ 2003-04-29 06:56 pm UTC

I seem to remember a lot of laying about under there in large piles of humanity...

I still don't believe that your arm was there by accident.

boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 06:58 pm UTC

That wasn't my arm.

deanthomas @ 2003-04-29 07:01 pm UTC




seamus_f @ 2003-04-29 07:01 pm UTC

Ew. I so don't need to know any of this.

Anyway, that was then and this is now, Boot. Go fondle your Slytherin.

boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 07:07 pm UTC

What, you don't begrudge your boyfriend a little tour down memory lane, do you?

seamus_f @ 2003-04-29 07:17 pm UTC

Let me give you a tip: Pay this much attention to us on Saturday and Millie will run off with the barmaid. And she's not even as pretty as you are.

seamus_f @ 2003-04-29 06:47 pm UTC

Don't you dare, either of you, or I will carry away the fair Millicent and we'll . . . well, and we'll shop, is what we'll do! Shop for clothes and eyeliner! Take that, Boot!

boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 07:00 pm UTC

Take that, Boot!

Oh, are you planning to buy all the Midnight Hue eyeliner in Zelda's Cosmetics Castle again? It so doesn't suit you.

seamus_f @ 2003-04-29 07:04 pm UTC

That wasn't me. My eyes are aqua; I only use aubergine.

You, on the other hand, should really investigate a nice Lincoln green and abandon the black, at least for daywear.


boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 07:06 pm UTC

Lincoln green??? I have no desire to look like a prison inmate from Wormwood Scrubbs. By the way, are you planning on being this difficult during our date?

seamus_f @ 2003-04-29 07:09 pm UTC

I have no desire to look like a prison inmate from Wormwood Scrubbs.
My apologies; I thought that was the look you were going for.

are you planning on being this difficult during our date?
You know you love it, Boot. You can't fool me.

boot_boy @ 2003-04-29 07:12 pm UTC

You know you love it, Boot.

I had no idea you were courting my interest. Sadly, you are at the bottom of a long long list for me, long after 1) Your boyfriend 2) Everyone else in school.

However, there is some possibility I could be talked into a threesome.

seamus_f @ 2003-04-29 07:26 pm UTC

1. Dean is enough man for me, thanks.

2. Dean is far too much man for you.

3. As am I.

So I'm not really seeing what you would add to the situation. Never mind your infantile reaction to the pretty picture my Dean drew.

In a word, no.
