jadedsirius in nocturne_alley @ 2003-05-02 12:18:00

Current music:The Kinks - Lola

I wish to inform you that your little prank has not, as you assured me, worn off.

Remus is, indeed, still physically female.

I expect an immediate explanation of your incompetency.



potions_master @ 2003-05-02 12:54 pm UTC

I am not incompetent. Obviously, I am quite capable; the potion is more powerful than anticipated. Give it more time.

And stay out of my dungeons, or I will hex any part of you that comes near me.

lupercus @ 2003-05-02 12:55 pm UTC

This isn't funny, Severus. Why haven't I changed back, yet? You said twenty-four hours. It has been more than twenty-four hours, and I still have breasts. Why?

Think carefully.

potions_master @ 2003-05-02 12:57 pm UTC

More than likely, Lupin, you ingested too much of the potion, or ingested it too quickly. Perhaps exercise a little moderation, next time?

I am not afraid of you. Unless you plan to hit me over the head with your... endowments. In which case I am utterly vexed and may soil myself in my abject terror.

Go away, now. I am busy.

lupercus @ 2003-05-02 01:00 pm UTC

I'm not the one you should be afraid of, Severus.

If I'm not changed back by tomorrow, we shall be having words. With the Headmaster.

jadedsirius @ 2003-05-02 01:04 pm UTC

It will be all right, I promise, Remus. You will regain your usual form or Snape will soon be missing vital parts of his anatomy. Permanently.

lupercus @ 2003-05-02 01:11 pm UTC

I certainly hope so. I miss being able to see my feet.

jadedsirius @ 2003-05-02 01:00 pm UTC

Ah, so you admit you made a mistake, do you? Do you often miscalculate the effects of your potions? Not much of a Potions master, are you?

I will go where I see fit. Try to keep me out. I will be making sure you are spending every available moment working on a solution to this problem.

May I remind you the wedding is coming up?

I am not amused.

potions_master @ 2003-05-02 01:07 pm UTC

I do not make mistakes, Black. This is not a mistake. This is a development. A minor oversight. But not a mistake.

I am well aware, also, of your impending nuptials, and I assure you that your hairy heartthrob will be back to abnormal by then. I do not see this potion lasting more than forty-eight hours, as it was not intended to.

And I have more enchantments on this dungeon than there are on the whole of Hogwarts, and I doubt the likes of you could breach them.

Leave me be.

lupercus @ 2003-05-02 01:12 pm UTC

Could it be that the mighty Potions Master has actually botched his first potion?

How lucky for me to be on the recieving end of such a momentous occasion.

You'll pardon me if I don't throw you a bloody parade, Severus.

potions_master @ 2003-05-02 01:13 pm UTC

I did not make a mistake.

jadedsirius @ 2003-05-02 01:16 pm UTC

Semantics, Sevvie. You fucked up.

Pardon my language.

potions_master @ 2003-05-02 01:18 pm UTC


jadedsirius @ 2003-05-02 01:13 pm UTC

Will it be a mistake if it hasn't worn off after 48 hours? How about 72? You will let me know when it becomes a mistake, won't you?

As for your pathetic enchantments, I've got through them before and I will again. I am not the DADA instructor because I look good in professorial robes. Though I do.

In case I wasn't clear, this is a threat.

potions_master @ 2003-05-02 01:17 pm UTC

Oh, dry up, you mangy hellhound. Lupin will be fine tomorrow, or I will personally invite you to my office to hex me all you like.

I do not make mistakes.

jadedsirius @ 2003-05-02 01:19 pm UTC

I'll pencil you in then.

Enjoy the time with your remaining limbs.

lupercus @ 2003-05-02 01:20 pm UTC

Can we get that in writing blood?
