jadedsirius in nocturne_alley @ 2002-05-16 21:41:00 |
As if I do not have enough to do to prepare for the upcoming year teaching defence against the dark arts, I must now participate in this ridiculous journal exercise. This is truly annoying. These students, particularly the sixth years, have only had one decent DADA teacher in the whole of their school careers. That was Remus, of course, and the circumstances of that year were less than ideal. There are huge gaps in their education that I must strive to fill. I am at a loss where to start.
I am quite pleased, however, that Remus has chosen to take the care of magical creatures position. I think this is much more suited to his demeanor. Unfortunately, other teachers who shall, for the sake of politeness, remain nameless, remain at Hogwarts.
On a personal note, before anyone feels the need to comment, I have decided to grow my hair out to its original length. As I am finally starting to feel like myself again, I decided that long hair helps in this. And as I am impatient, I used magic to this end. So, yes, Sirius Black is vain. So be it.
perfectprefect @ 2002-05-17 11:42 pm UTC |
Professor Black,
Congratulations on your recent freedom, and on your new employment at Hogwarts. I almost envy my younger siblings, for they are able to experience Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons with a man who has been through as much as you. I am quite certain that your lessons will be as well-learned as Professor Lupin's were.
On behalf of the Ministry, again, I congratulate you.
-Percy Weasley
jadedsirius @ 2002-05-18 11:13 pm UTC |
Mr. Weasley:
Thank you for your good wishes. I feel very happy to be a contributing member of society once again. I do wish you continued success aty thje Ministry. I hear your work on cauldron standards is exemplary.
potions_master @ 2002-05-18 10:53 pm UTC |
Vanity, thy name is woman.
Is this really something that a responsible teacher would post for his students to see? Of course it always helps to reinforce the stereotypical ideal of beauty. Such a great thing to drill into the heads of impressionable teenagers.
Do you still wear pleather trousers like you used to, Black? How tacky.
jadedsirius @ 2002-05-18 11:02 pm UTC |
My, my, Severus. Jealous much? Just because you take no pride whatsoever in your appearance doesn't mean the rest of us care to walk around all greasy and sallow.
And yes, actually I do have a new pair of black leather trousers. Would you care for me to model them for you?
potions_master @ 2002-05-18 11:14 pm UTC |
My my, Mr. Black. It appears that you have spent some time in appraising my appearance. Still holding a candle after all these years? Or is it guilt because you tried to kill me?
Why would I be jealous of you? If anything, you are more conceited and self-important than you were before. So tell me Sir Martyr, who have you pegged as your newest conquest? Is it the ever mild-mannered Mr. Lupin? How predictable you are.
As for modeling those pleather trousers for me, I'd rather the fire. I am certain that there is a Tome of Useless Historical Nonsense that would hold more interest for me.
jadedsirius @ 2002-05-18 11:26 pm UTC |
Snape, you flatter yourself. I cannot help but notice your appearance when forced to share a room with you and your overlarge nose. Me, holding a candle for *you*? In your dreams.
As for my future "conquests," that is no concern of yours. Unless you harbor feelings for Remus yourself? I always suspected as much...
And my trousers are real leather. You do seem to be obsessed with them.
potions_master @ 2002-05-18 11:36 pm UTC |
I'm rather surprised there was room enough for my nose with your overinflated ego being in the same room. As for your future conquests, I have no interest. I just enjoy pointing out that you are as unbearable and self-centered as you always were.
Scoff if you like, Black, but you can't deny that you left a trail of broken people in your wake. While I admit that you were wrongfully imprisoned, that still doesn't grant you sainthood. As for my being interested in Lupin for myself, it is all I can do not to start laughing in your general direction.
If anything, you are good for a quick moment of sarcasm.
jadedsirius @ 2002-05-18 11:49 pm UTC |
Me? Sainthood? I never claimed that. And let me assure you that all my lovers knew exactly what they were getting into. And they enjoyed every moment, if I do say so myself. Sour grapes are so tedious.