sinistra in nocturne_alley @ 2003-05-12 06:17:00

Current mood:pleased

Attention, sixth year Astronomy students.
The comet Hale-Bopp will still be visible for the first two weeks of May. The Sun, Venus, the moon and the comet Hale-Bopp will be conveniently located in the same part of the sky for the next few days. After sunset, Venus will be prominent just above the horizon in the west. Along the ecliptic will be the comet. The moon will be moving along the ecliptic, changing from the thin sliver of a New Moon to a crescent.

You will be using your Mirroring and Magnifying Charms to image and map the dark side of the moon. I expect your findings to be recorded in your Astronomy log.

Abbott and Greengrass
Bones and Nott
Boot and Finnigan
Brocklehurst and Midgen
Brown and Granger
Bulstrode and Thomas
Corner and Li
Cornfoot and Davis
Fawcett and Hopkins
Finch-Fletchley and Weasley
Goyle and Parvati Patil
Jones and Macnair
Lassicle and Moon
Longbottom and Padma Patil
Macdougal and Spinks
Macmillan and Parkinson
Malfoy and Potter
Rincewind and Smith
Turpin and Zabini

You have four days. May Ptolemy give you the strength to keep you from killing one another. Or kill one another. It's up to you.

Your plotting updates on Hale-Bopp are still due at the end of the week. No, you may not use this time to cheat with your partner.

Professor Sinistra


potterstinks @ 2003-05-12 05:23 pm UTC

Professor Sinistra, I must have forgotten to mention that I'm dropping Astronomy this term. Sorry.

Draco Malfoy

sinistra @ 2003-05-12 08:02 pm UTC

I must have forgotten to mention that I don't care. It's not an optional course.

potterstinks @ 2003-05-12 10:15 pm UTC

Pardon me, professor, but if you're trying to create discomfort, wasn't this a little obvious? Surely partnering me with Macmillan could have been more exciting.

sinistra @ 2003-05-12 11:20 pm UTC

Yes, you're right Mr Malfoy. Partnering you with Macmillan is far more amusing than partnering a homophobe with gay olde Britain's newest cast member. And the most paranoid lad in Hogwarts with Ms Parkinson surely isn't funny at all seeing as she never induces paranoia.

divineparvati @ 2003-05-13 06:56 am UTC

Professor, the Crystals told me To stay away From the number 9 this Month and I'm sure that Applies to my partner's finger Count so I think I will Just work with Lavender and I'm sure Hermione will be Happy to eat with Goyle?

divineparvati @ 2003-05-13 06:56 am UTC

I meant Work. Work with Goyle.

sinistra @ 2003-05-14 02:40 am UTC

The number nine could also refer to the amount of detentions you receive.

goyle @ 2003-05-14 11:22 am UTC


i cann thump jest as hard wif one les fingur
END bi thee wae, i oanlee hav SEVUN fingurs the uther tu ar thums

ignurant gerl


Goyle :(
