seamus_f in nocturne_alley @ 2003-06-02 17:29:00

Current mood: loved
Current music:This Wizard's In Love With You | Burt Broomrack

A point of information
is Draco Malfoy. He is of slightly less than average height, fair haired, light eyed, light skinned, has likely never mussed his fingers and often smells of Aqua di Gio. He almost always wears colour, is patient with no one I can think of, and has a talent for Potions. I share with him several interests including fashion, design and decorating.

is Dean Thomas. He is tall, dark haired, dark eyed, dark skinned, has ink stains on his fingers of many colours and often smells of charcoal. He almost always wears black, is endlessly patient with me, and has a talent for art. I share with him my entire self.

One is my boyfriend. The other is not. Do not confuse the two. I don't, and never could, because:

Thank you for your time.


potterstinks @ 2003-06-02 10:14 pm UTC

It looks like Thomas is looking at me. Colour me disturbed.

seamus_f @ 2003-06-02 10:56 pm UTC

Oh, please. You aren't happy unless you can find something wrong. You would be a lucky man indeed if he ever DID look at you like that.

potterstinks @ 2003-06-03 05:17 am UTC

It's creepy. And I don't even know what Aqua de Geo is.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-03 07:02 am UTC

I see you have decided to become a horse whisperer.

M. B.

seamus_f @ 2003-06-03 06:50 pm UTC

Oh, get off the horse thing. You're just jealous because you can't do it. Go sit on Boot or something.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-04 01:36 am UTC

He is a pony.

M. B.

boot_boy @ 2003-06-04 12:44 pm UTC

I believe it was a "bad, bad pony."

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-04 06:52 pm UTC

You were not half bad.

M. B.

seamus_f @ 2003-06-05 07:44 am UTC

Oh, it's so nice to see you two nutty kids in love like this, really. Restores my faith in humanity, it does.

potterstinks @ 2003-06-05 08:04 am UTC

Millicent is a true romantic.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-05 11:02 am UTC

It is so nice to see you butting into conversations all around Hogwarts like this, really.

Restores my faith in violence, it does.

M. B.


seamus_f @ 2003-06-05 01:13 pm UTC

Look up at the top of the page. See that name? Yeah. My journal. Comment at your own risk, sunshine.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-05 01:15 pm UTC

Seamus Finnigan (seamus_f) wrote in nocturne_alley, @ 2003-06-02 17:29:00

M. B.

seamus_f @ 2003-06-05 01:23 pm UTC

Still appears to be a conversation happening in, and prompted by, a post of MINE. So, if you want to have a private conversation, go have it in some deserted hallway, as I am so unafraid of you.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-05 01:32 pm UTC

Of course, you have never commented in any posts of mine uninvited.

M. B.

seamus_f @ 2003-06-05 02:11 pm UTC

What, exactly, is your damage, Millie? I don't care if you post here, and I don't care if you post in my journal, but there is no need to be hostile if I comment.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-05 02:23 pm UTC

I am hostile towards people I do not like, and people who call me "Millie".

Is that clear enough or should I neigh.

M. B.

seamus_f @ 2003-06-05 04:37 pm UTC

I'm crushed. You have devastated me.

Since I don't recall signing up to be your friend, why don't you go back under the rock from which you came?

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-05 04:46 pm UTC

Oddly enough, I have never felt the need to speak to you first.

And yet, you felt the need to inform me that you are "unafraid" of me.

I would ask why but I do not even know your name.

M. B.

seamus_f @ 2003-06-05 05:03 pm UTC

Your wit dazzles, but I grow weary. However, you may continue to speak to yourself if you like.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-05 05:07 pm UTC

An Irish Gryffindor has decided not to speak to me.

However shall I live.

M. B.

seamus_f @ 2003-06-03 07:37 pm UTC

Get over it.

It's a cologne, you great sod. And it's GIO.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-03 12:03 pm UTC

geh, why would I WANT to?

seamus_f @ 2003-06-03 08:12 pm UTC

That's right. You just keep looking over this way, baby.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-03 12:01 pm UTC

[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<:)>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]


<font size=1>love you, too, shay...</font>

seamus_f @ 2003-06-03 08:14 pm UTC

How you make me melt . . .

Anyway, I may have a surprise for you soon. I likely shouldn't have said, in case it doesn't come off, but I can't keep anything from you anyway.
