wheresmytoad in nocturne_alley @ 2003-06-13 05:20:00

Current mood: pleased
Current music:Aces Wild

Getting back together over Wizard's Poker
Last night, for a wonder, all five of us were back together in the room again. For that, we can thank Wizard's Poker

We all started out in the common room. Dean and Seamus obviously didn't really want to talk, and Harry seemed too tired to push things, but Ron was simply not willing to take "No" for an answer. He hit upon the idea of teaching all of us how to play Wizard's Poker, which I guess he and Seamus had just learned the night before last from Professor Lupin.

And it worked, really. Seamus unbent a bit trying to teach us the rules. It was a terrible job teaching me, believe me, because I could never remember whether aces were high or low, when I was supposed to discard, what I was supposed to hold. I was a terrible player. We were using chocolate frogs as chips, which was a bit difficult, since they tended to jump around the table. Ron pushed and pushed, trying to get Seamus and Dean talking to each other, and although some little digs were exchanged here and there, they were pretty amicable by the end.

The game eventually broke up because we heard some noises coming from our room upstairs. I went to investigate and discovered that Colin Creevey had been up there moving his things back. I guess he's still really mad about Dean moving him into our room without asking, because he'd started transforming Dean's stuff. We flushed him out of there together, and he went away muttering to himself.

By then it was so late and Dean was so tired, he just slept in the coffin that Colin had transfigured his bed into instead of bothering to transfigure it back.



seamus_f @ 2003-06-13 05:49 am UTC

You should have seen Ron on his first few hands. We'll play again when everyone's had more sleep. Turned out to be a good stress reliever, and I'm sure we'll need one during exams.

Anyway, Neville, you picked it up just fine. We'll have you fleecing Hufflepuffs by the summer. Merlin knows, they can't bluff at ALL.

wheresmytoad @ 2003-06-13 06:38 am UTC

Thanks, although I know you're being kind. It sure was fun though, and yeah I'd like to do it again. Harry was really good though, wasn't he? We'll probably start having to call him "The Boy Who Raised" or "The Boy Who Bluffed." Or maybe "The Boy Who Cleaned His Roommates Out of All Their Chocolate Frogs."


missgranger @ 2003-06-13 04:56 pm UTC

I don't think Harry would appreciate that very much.

wheresmytoad @ 2003-06-13 11:49 pm UTC

Naah, you're right. It was just a joke, a stupid one, I'll admit. I won't twit Harry like that when I see him.

But you gotta understand, Hermione: after the sort of week the five of us have had, even pitifully lame jokes like that one are a definite improvement. Which is sort of a relief.

