blondenarcissa in nocturne_alley @ 2003-06-26 23:43:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
I don't think I have ever been so relieved in all my life! (Although now that I think about it, the time that Lucius and I went to the Havishham's ruby wedding and had become beside myself thinking that Tristessa Lagrimas was wearing the exact same robes as me only to discover that her attire was a designer imposter may just rival today.)
After days upon days upon days of doing nothing but waiting, I was finally cleared to enter Hogwarts and see the condition of my son for myself. As I had travelled to the Manor last evening to spend time with Lucius, the two of us travelled to the school together. The previous night was spent in a most serious discussion and I am afraid that both Lucius and myself may have still been a bit sensitive about the issues which we had conversed. . .or perhaps the fact that we had both endured a rather large amount of stress these past few days fretting over our boy had something to do with the slight bit of tension I felt between us.
In any case, I daresay I was overjoyed to see Draco once more. He looked as handsome as I remembered even if he is still in the process of healing from that atrocious and unprovoked attack he endured at the hand of someone who ought not to sully a Malfoy. Lucius again mentioned taking Draco to a medical and cosmetic authority to ensure the honour and dignity of such a fine Malfoy feature which keeps becoming grieviously marred by infidels. I should hope that Draco goes through with the procedure as one can never be too careful about taking care of one's appearance.
To help ease Draco's discomfort I brought him a copy of Love's Sweet Bounty which promises to be just as exciting as Patriot's Passion as well as new dragonhide gloves, biscuits, a sleeping mask made from runespoor skin, Rue le Poisson's moisturizer, a new satchel, tickets to several professional Quidditch exibition matches during holiday, linen robes for Summer, a book entitled Empowering Yourself by my new friend Hera Peligroso, and passes to Mademoiselle Fauna's Feverfew Retreat and Spa. I do hope my gifts were satisfactory. I am sure that Draco probably thought his mother silly, the way I was behaving myself around him today. An overwhelming desire to embrace him took hold of me several times throughout the course of our visit and I confess that I may have cried once or twice; I was simply too happy to see him. Lucius, of course, kept reassuring me that Draco was fine and I took great delight in watching the two men in my life speak quietly with one another whilst I attempted to gain control of my emotions.
Wanting the two to have some time alone, I then excused myself to visit with Remus. After asking a number of people on his whereabouts I was finally able to discern that he was keeping time in Madam Pomfrey's office. He initially appeared glad to see me and I spent a good bit of time with him in that dreadfully small office. He behaved very strangely, practically refusing to acknowledge anything I had to say about whatever this was that had befallen upon Hogwarts. If I may be so bold, it almost seemed as though he were very distant and cool although at the same time he would smile broadly and present me with a cheerful disposition. I am worried about him.