blondenarcissa in nocturne_alley @ 2003-07-31 15:23:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
My, what an eventful day! It's not even time for tea and I find myself utterly exhausted. After finally being able to return to the Manor from the dreadfully understaffed St. Mungo's (and with a trunkful of wretched-tasting potions that I must partake of for the next three weeks) on Tuesday, I owled Quince Thaiss to verify our appointment for this very morn. Mr. Thaiss is a most excellent decorator, his knowledge of interior decorum far superior to anyone else in the field. Draco and I traversed there this morning and met with him to discuss changes to Mother's home in Cannes that Draco should like to make over. Although Mother did fancy herself to be quite elegant, I daresay that my Little Dragon's tastes are far more refined than hers. The Cannes home will be so very beautiful with whatever Draco does to it. I found myself to be quite disappointed when it became apparent during our meeting that Draco and Mr. Thaiss did not see eye to eye on what was or was not elegant. Mr. Thaiss, to his credit, did try very hard to convince my darling boy that tapestries were in right now and would add a certain bourgeois air about any home. However, Draco certainly knows what he likes and would, I suspect, rather wear rags and shuffle about in a line at a Muggle soup kitchen for eternity before hanging tapestries about his home. I thanked Mr. Thaiss for his time and, after reassuring Draco that I would try to find another decorator that would suit him (although it shall be difficult to find one acceptable as Quince Thaiss is the very best), we departed.
I informed Draco that I wanted to make a little stop before returning to Wiltshire and he was to just follow me when I disapparated again. I was very shocked when upon arriving in Little Whinging that Draco immediately put on what I used to call when he was a boy his 'grumpy dragon' face. I couldn't understand him entirely as his jaw was so very clenched when he spoke to me but I do believe I heard him say something about "always worried about Potter" and "I'm your son" but, again, I could have misheard him. There was not even an opportunity for me to ask him to repeat himself as he quite abruptly disapparated. I did consider following him but decided against it. Draco is a young man and I shan't be expected to follow him about demanding explanations every time he becomes moody. Besides, I had come to Little Whinging for a reason.
I must say, I was a bit frightened when the door at number four Privet Drive opened to reveal a rather large boy with hard, beetle-like eyes. I inquired as to whether or not this was the residence of Harry Potter and the boy, who began to mumble something but then clearly realized that I am a lady of importance, replied that he did indeed live there and would I be so kind as to wait in the drawing room? Dudley, as I found his name to be, ushered me inside and I sat down in wait for Harry to appear. It took a few moments for him to come down the stairs and his cousin then disappeared into another portion of the home. I do believe that I may have woken poor Harry up as he was rather disheveled and disoriented but pleased to see me nonetheless. Had I not found it so darling, I would have politely informed him that his shirt was on backwards but I let it be.
As Harry must have been curious as to why I would have called, I told him how worried I had been about him. He had not responded to my owl at the end of the school term after all of that dreadfulness that had occurred and, as I understand from Remus, I am aware that life for Harry has not been the best of late. Harry took great pains to reassure me that he is quite fine, apologized for not responding to my owl, and thanked me but told me that I needn't worry about him. Ever so polite, he then inquired after my health and expressed concern that I was apparating so soon after my illness. In turn, I reassured him I can indeed apparate (although it was advised that I rest for a period in between apparations for a time). We continued to chat and he began to ask me about Remus and Rosie and Echo so I complied and gave him news of them. Upon revealing to him that Remus and I are cousins, I did have to laugh slightly at the expression on his face. I daresay he was as surprised at the news as I had been when Remus and I discovered that our bloodlines intersected!
At some point during our conversation, a rather thin woman with an equine face whom I recognized from when we had picked Draco up from the Hogwarts Express (when Draco had kept trying to stare at 'Potter's Muggles' to my chagrin) came into the room and sat with us. Harry introduced her as his aunt Petunia Dursley. The woman really ought to take some lessons in etiquette! I do think she did not like me although she did seem to fancy my stunningly couture dress robes and shoes. Because I am a proper lady, I was nothing but exceedingly kind and courteous to her. When I opened up my reticule to withdraw some things I had brought for Harry (as it is his birthday today) I thought she was going to faint. She did ask me to 'put that thing away!' and I didn't understand until Harry clarified that she had meant my wand. I did not see what the fuss was! I was merely using my wand to fluff up pillows, open my bag, remove a loose thread from my robes, fix the collar on his aunt's shirt, slam the door shut when I noticed it had become ajar just down the corridor, and open the curtains to reveal a bit of light in the room. Because I was her guest, I did comply. Her mouth drew into a thin line then and she proceeded to watch my interaction with Harry like some sort of hawk.
I gifted Harry a small tin of those chocolate biscuits I make for Draco and a small leather satchel that one wears about the neck filled with a few crystals. Although gem and crystal magic is looked down upon by some, I quite like the notion of lovely looking stones that can be of use. Some of my favourite crystals that were in the little pouch were hematite, an andean opal, a chrysocolla, lapis lazuli, and a lovely tigers eye. Harry thanked me for them, inspected some of them, and put one or two in his pocket while keeping the rest in the small satchel. I then took some time to really look about the Dursley home and I was instantly apalled that there were no birthday festivities going on in honour of Harry that day! No signs of any preparation for an evening gathering or anything. Looking at Harry again, I also realized that his cousin was much better dressed than he and that did not sit well with me at all. I withdrew a few galleons from my reticule and gave the money to Aunt Petunia with strict orders to buy Harry some new clothing! I do hope that she heard me as she seemed quite enthralled with the gold galleons. That concluded my visit to Privet Drive as I wished to see if Draco was still in a disagreeable state. After saying my farewells to Harry, I apparated to the Manor.
Weetzie has told me that Draco is off somewhere and does not wish to be disturbed. I do hope that he will come by my chambers later on as I have requested.
potterstinks @ 2003-07-31 07:23 pm UTC |
Actually, Mother, I'm busy taking a flitterbloom to Millicent's mother this evening. I'm afraid I'll have to reschedule.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-07-31 08:36 pm UTC |
Perhaps we could spend tomorrow morning together if you are not too terribly busy?