blondenarcissa in nocturne_alley @ 2003-08-11 23:36:00

Current mood: scared

Oh Merciful Merlin, I still feel as though my heart will simply leap out of my chest!

Nearly an hour has passed since I have disapparated from the Leaky Cauldron. I do not know how much time I have spent there and it seems very inconsequential at the moment.

Draco and Lucius had left for the Riviera this morn and I had declined to take my leave with them as I was not feeling up to such a lenthy travel. Instead, I remained at the Manor and took care of some business corresponding via owl post as well as some social inquiries. I do hope that Miss Chang will alert me as to the condition of Weetzie as I have grown rather fond of her.

As I had not heard from Remus for two days, my concern for him nearly overwhelmed me and I decided that I must depart to Diagon Alley at once to look him up. Bringing along a tin of those biscuits that Draco seems to fancy, I apparated to the Leaky Cauldron to call upon my friend. I knocked upon the door Tom told me was Remus's but heard no reply. As I did not wish to let my trip be entirely unfruitful, I chose to just pop into Remus's room so I could leave the tin on a bureau and then return to the Manor, thinking all along that I would owl him in the morning or perhaps try a fire chat later.

When I appeared in his room, I was met with the most unexpected sight - a small cage, hardly big enough to even contain a wolf, containing a werewolf! At first I was very shocked and then deathly afraid, dropping the tin to my feet and withdrawing my wand. Just before I had thought enough to hex the creature, I looked at the wolf's eyes and recognized them to be Remus's own and I simply wept, for I had nearly hexed my friend! He was not aggressive, I suppose, but he appeared to be quite agitated and was whinging and whimpering something awful. I couldnot bear it and apparated into the corridor, pressing my back against the door to his room and sliding down it until I was seated on the floor, my hands pressed against my temples as I tried to block out the sounds of his whimpering and concentrated on lowering the rapid rate of my breathing. I was ever so concerned for him and could not just leave so abruptly. Only when the whines tapered off did I dare disapparate.

One of Lucius's house elves is packing my trunks so I may take the first portkey out of Wiltshire to Liguria in the morning.

I shall send the elf to check on Remus in the morning. I do hope he is all right.


just_harry @ 2003-08-11 08:58 pm UTC

Was he okay? He wasn't hurt was he? He was in the cage? You didn't hex him right?

blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-11 09:02 pm UTC

Yes, love, Remus is okay. He did not appear to be hurt, just very sad. He was in his cage still when I left. I didn't hex him; I recognized him right before I did and I feel so very badly.

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy

just_harry @ 2003-08-11 09:07 pm UTC

Oh. Okay. Thanks Mrs Malfoy.

blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-11 09:09 pm UTC

You're welcome, Harry. Do you...can I...Is there anything you need right now?

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy

just_harry @ 2003-08-11 09:25 pm UTC

No, it's okay. Thanks, though.

blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-11 09:29 pm UTC

You're welcome. If you change your mind, though, I shall be available until early tomorrow morn.

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy

just_harry @ 2003-08-11 09:15 pm UTC

I can go tomorrow if you want. So you don't have to send a house-elf or anything.

just_harry @ 2003-08-11 09:22 pm UTC

I forgot my jumper there anyway. So yeah, I'll just go.

blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-11 09:30 pm UTC

If you're sure. . .

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy

blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-11 09:35 pm UTC


sibyllsays @ 2003-08-11 09:12 pm UTC

OH! That was - oh. Oh, I am so terribly sorry for poor Remus - and for other things -

I did not Foresee this!!!

blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-11 09:14 pm UTC

Do not fret, Sibyll. One with powers such as your own cannot possibly see everything, after all.

sibyllsays @ 2003-08-11 09:25 pm UTC

I suppose - but still - I was quite rude to him about the other day and he has EVERY RIGHT to be angry with me! Such things affect me and if my powers were at all as good as I believed, they should be accurate in that regard at least!

blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-11 09:28 pm UTC

Ah, Sibyll, you are too hard on yourself sometimes. Besides, with all of the commotion going on about the streets of Diagon Alley as of late, it is only reasonable then that many people's focus on their powers has been a bit skewered.

sibyllsays @ 2003-08-11 09:32 pm UTC

I suppose - and being out in large groups does tend to cloud my Inner Eye. I See best when I am alone, although I believe I need contrast for the Eye to truly come into focus.

But I shall not feel entirely happy until Remus has forgiven me!!!

On a lighter note, your image is simply smashing. What is it from? I can't seem to place when you wore that particular outfit!

blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-11 09:43 pm UTC

Remus shall forgive you, Sibyll. I have no doubt about that.

As for the image of me, that was taken during a lovely mini-holiday that Lucius and I took to India some time ago. It is an ever so lovely place to visit. I suggest you traverse there sometime yourself.

sibyllsays @ 2003-08-11 09:46 pm UTC

Perhaps I shall! I have heard of an Oracle living in Bombay. It would be fascinating to travel to see him! I might also learn about their traditions of Divination while I was there!

I shall keep that in mind!!

lupercus @ 2003-08-12 09:36 pm UTC

sorry for frightening you, narcissa. i am all right. thank you for being concerned.

harry said hello.

enjoy your holiday.

- remus

blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-12 09:57 pm UTC


You certainly do not have to apologize to me. I should have remembered that it was time for that but I have been so very preoccupied as of late.

I am pleased to hear that you are all right. Please give my regards to Harry. I feel much better knowing that he is with you.

I am now at the Riviera in our villa but I must confess that I would rather be in your company.


lupercus @ 2003-08-13 11:59 am UTC

I don't expect everyone to have the lunar calendar memorised, Narcissa. No harm done, so long as you are safe. I caged myself for that very reason.

And - I do hope you'll forgive me for being so forward - I don't blame you in the slightest for wishing you were elsewhere. You are always welcome here should you need it - I am certain Tom would put aside his best room for you.

I am considering a holiday, myself. Any suggestions?

- Remus

blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-13 07:48 pm UTC

I am quite safe, thank you for your concern. I hope that you are recooperating and feel up to your strenght very shortly.

Remus, you are my friend. I do not think that what you had to say was forward in the least. We are in rather similiar predicaments at the moment, are we not? Although I do appreciate your invitation, I am afraid I must decline. I should like to make this holiday work for Draco's sake, even if it means that in order for it to be pleasant, his father and I take turns doing things with him.

I shall owl you when I return from the Riviera so we may get together for tea.

