jadedsirius in nocturne_alley @ 2003-08-19 20:06:00

Remus, I'm sorry to bother you, but I'd like to know when Harry's coming home so that I can start dinner.



lupercus @ 2003-08-19 08:09 pm UTC

What are you talking about? He's not here. He's not with you?

jadedsirius @ 2003-08-19 08:11 pm UTC

No, he's not. He said he was going to see you. When did he leave?

lupercus @ 2003-08-19 08:14 pm UTC

Sirius, he was never here. I haven't seen him in nearly a week.

Have you looked through the whole of the house?

jadedsirius @ 2003-08-19 08:20 pm UTC

You can't be serious. I'll go look.

jadedsirius @ 2003-08-19 08:30 pm UTC

I've looked all over, as Padfoot. He's not here.

I saw him this morning, he said he was going to see you, damn it.

lupercus @ 2003-08-19 08:31 pm UTC

Somehow, I doubt that.

This is your bloody fault, you realise.

jadedsirius @ 2003-08-19 08:34 pm UTC

It's my fault? He said he was going to see you. Perhaps you bored him.

lupercus @ 2003-08-19 08:36 pm UTC

Are you really that thick, Sirius? If he's gone it means he knows what you did.

jadedsirius @ 2003-08-19 08:47 pm UTC

If Harry knows, I didn't tell him.

We are separated, Remus, after all. You were the one who left.

lupercus @ 2003-08-19 08:57 pm UTC

He's not stupid, you utter git. He can read. You wouldn't know subtle if it bit you in the arse.

Jesus Christ, he's out there alone. We have to find him.

I'll start at the Burrow. You try Hogwarts. Send an owl if you find him.

And I hope it was worth it for you, Sirius. I hope to God it was worth it.

jadedsirius @ 2003-08-19 09:07 pm UTC

Don't try to make this my fault, and don't play fucking holier-than-thou with me.

I'm off to search for my godson. Nothing else matters right now. I'll deal with this later.
