percyneedsalife in nocturne_alley @ 2004-01-23 06:25:00

Current mood: sympathetic

Public Service Announcement:
George is on the toilet. Don't eat the clams at the Gasping Gargoyle. Tried to borrow some for reasons to be determined at later date. Go bad after week. God save us all.


missgranger @ 2004-01-23 12:40 am UTC

After a week? I should think that would be obvious!

Tell George I hope he feels better soon.

percyneedsalife @ 2004-01-23 12:43 am UTC

Not to worry! I think it might be his appendix or something. Just asking Harry if I can borrow his pocketknife right now.

missgranger @ 2004-01-23 12:56 am UTC

Fred, perhaps you should take George to St Mungo's.

percyneedsalife @ 2004-01-23 01:00 am UTC

He doesn't want to go! Actually I don't think he wants to leave the toilet. Got to go, Hermione. Pray.

missgranger @ 2004-01-23 01:05 am UTC

Good luck?
