divineparvati in nocturne_alley @ 2004-02-09 09:17:00

Current mood: frustrated
Current music:!!!

I'm sorry but This isn't funny, where Is my elephant and WHO IN GOD'S NAME TREASURES A bIBLE ABOVE EVERYTHING eLSE.


missgranger @ 2004-02-09 06:19 am UTC

It's really not on to insult someone else's possession, Parvati, especially if it is a religious object. Some might think an elephant is a funny thing to treasure, after all.

divineparvati @ 2004-02-09 06:21 am UTC


missgranger @ 2004-02-09 06:23 am UTC

No, of course I don't.

divineparvati @ 2004-02-09 06:27 am UTC

Sorry, Hermione, I just... Want it back.

missgranger @ 2004-02-09 06:33 am UTC

Of course you do! I'm sure we all want our things back. I would help you look, though, I must admit, I've never seen an elephant in our room, so I'm not certain what to look for, precisely.

divineparvati @ 2004-02-09 06:42 am UTC

It's not an actual elephant it's Just a small one! You know that stupid Music box tune that always got Into everybody's heads in our dorm? Look I never admitted to it before because everyone called it So annoying, the tune, but it comes From my elephant and he dances around on the palm of your hand if he Likes you and I mean he's not real, just a figurine But my Grandfather gave him to me and I just terribly Want him back right away. If You see him around please Let me know? I'll even keep an Eye out for your ugly cat.

missgranger @ 2004-02-09 06:45 am UTC

And I'll keep an eye out for your ridiculous annoying elephant.

erniemacmillan @ 2004-02-09 06:23 am UTC

If you have an elephant and you can't find it, you might want to check your eyesight, Patil.

divineparvati @ 2004-02-09 06:26 am UTC

It's not a life Size one, half-Wit.

crabbe @ 2004-02-09 06:25 am UTC


divineparvati @ 2004-02-09 06:25 am UTC

And what year's He in?
