goyle in nocturne_alley @ 2004-03-14 07:21:00 |
ovurr emd ovurr
i reely doant gett et.
ferst, i forgetted mi paswerd fer fis fing. yu no thet sily werd yu tipe in wif yor yoosernaym. ennyway, thenn ey remimburrd butt i forgetted hoaw tu spel et! end ey lukked et mi hand wich woz wer i put mi paswerd butt et wos goned! end thenn eu remimburred i had woshed mi hends tu wiks agoe end i musst hev woshed it of!! disestur. ennyway i got detenshuns fur tu wiks fur neglikting? (i dunt noe wot thet meens) mi jurnel, butt cuz i wus in detenshun i cudnt updayt it stoopiud huh ennyway i remimburred my paswerd butt then i forgetted hoaw to spel it end thenn i sore profesur snape end he sed luk in mi male.
wich confoosed me so much,.
wy wud my paswerd be ther? soe ey went intu toiluts end luked but it wusnt ther.
soe ennyway i tuk a hoal munth to figur it owt end got detenshun aghen kan yu beleev it?
ennyway bak to skul maturs. the hoal skul went crasee beeung nise tu peepuls im orl fer nott beeung meen orl thee tym butt reely nisenuss wus tuu mucks. end orl off a sudun the librurys orl ful orl the tym peepul revishuning, end soe i hadd tu luk stuf up on thee inturnet, tu se if ther wur mucks wizur stuf on ther. ther wus a lot fur DADA butt ey didunt noe enny off et!!!!! lyk hoaw it ment "rokking hoars" en eenglish end "nuffink" en garlick. end hoaw thers allot off art abowt et!! end i fownd a warbek apreshiashun sosity, end fink i sore profesur dumbldors naym onn thee four um. but cud nott be him.
eenywae i haf a paoshun tu mayk end a cherm tu practis se yu laytr iff im nott en detenshun AGENN. Wur.