finch_fletchley in nocturne_alley @ 2004-06-24 18:13:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Man, I'm still picking glass out of my hair and arms. I don't even know if there's any left anymore, but I still feel it. Shards are probably buried under my skin. I'll probably get an infection, and then they'll have to cut off my limbs. Madam Pomfrey was able to heal Susan's cuts really quick though, and hers were pretty bad, from when the ceiling fell on our heads and all. Susan told us all how to make the fort to keep the Death Eaters away from us, which is how she got so hurt, standing out there while they were crashing in. I think the fort really helped though. We got a few of the them from hiding and throwing. I'm -- I was, I mean -- Seeker, so my aim is pretty good. Knocked a bunch of them right out. Susan actually punched one in the face! That was brilliant! Then she passed out from blood loss.
I sent and owl to Mum and Dad to tell them I was okay. They want me to come home right away, but of course I can't. I wouldn't leave though even if we were allowed to. Susan's okay now, but Ernie doesn't look too good. One of the Death Eaters got him. It was really horrible, and we weren't taught how to help others when they were being cursed, so I didn't know what to do. I should have been able to do something! Seven years of classes and I can't even help my best friend! Mother fucking Hogwarts! Ron Weasley saved him though! He appeared out of nowhere and just took the Death Eater out. Without his wand, too! Wandless! He just bashed the Death Eater on the head with his potted hand. It was fantastic.
I'm going to go sit with Ernie and Susan some more. If anyone needs me I'll be in the hospital wing.