wheresmytoad in nocturne_alley @ 2004-06-24 20:15:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
I just wanted to post so they could pass on word to my family I'm all right. I haven't slept. I've been with the infirmary crew, preparing the plants they're using to treat blood loss. My hands are sore; I've been working the mortar and pestle all day.
I got some scalp cuts when the glass fell, and they bled like anything so I had blood sheeting down my ears and neck. It looked a lot worse than it was. Head wounds always bleed a lot, and they were actually pretty shallow and easy to close when it was all over. It's strange; I only remember the attack in bits and pieces, like a series of disjointed photographs, frozen like Muggle ones. Seamus says that's shock. He's in shock, too, but he's still working with no signs of stopping. None of us want to stop.
I remember being trapped underneath one of the tables. I was desperate for my wand. The noise was unbelievable, all the screams and breaking glass and curse blasts. Me and Dean were arguing furiously because we could see one of the suits of armour holding a mace over to the side, and we wanted that mace so bad, we thought it might even the odds. And he wanted to make the run for it, but I pulled him back, and said I should go instead, and then two more Deatheaters landed between us and the suit and Dean swore a blue streak because that hope was gone.
Then my memory starts breaking up, and I'm not clear on the order that things happened. Time got oddly stretched, and there was a roaring in my ears. I don't remember seeing Lisa die, but I remember Hermione screaming in my ear and tipping the table and charging the Deatheaters with it, and the thumps and grunts as they went down. I saw the stunned look on Sirius Black's face. It must have been when Remus jumped in front of Lucius Malfoy's wand, but I don't remember seeing him fall. I only saw the look of total disbelief in Sirius' face.
Then it was a blur for a while. They told me that the spell that killed Voldemort knocked everyone out around him for a while. The next thing I remember was three or four of us all kneeling over Mandy Foster, the second year from Hufflepuff, trying to staunch the blood coming from her jugular with wadded up robes. It had been slit by falling glass. Seamus had grabbed a wand--I think it was Remus'--and was working on Christine Castlemaine, and I know Christine would have died if he hadn't been right there. Another group was working over Geoffrey Wood from Slytherin. I remember people whipping off their ties and making tourniquets with table knives. Madam Pomfrey couldn't help; she was so busy trying to save Luna Lovegood.
But we couldn't save Mandy. If her parents ask to talk to me about it, I will, but I hope that I can let them know right away that there wasn't time enough for her to get really scared. It happened so fast. We just couldn't stop it. She got icy cold, and then we could see she was getting sleepy, and she just drifted off. And they should let them know that her sister Patricia was there beside her, too, so at least she had some family with her. Please let them know we didn't give up on her. We kept trying and trying, even after Dean felt her pulse and said she was gone.
Seamus still has Remus' wand, I think, or at least he did when I last saw him. He's been clutching it all day, even while he's been using his own. I think he wants to give it back to Sirius personally.
Oh yeah, and I remember hearing at some point the booming sound from the benches that they were using to try to ram the doors to the Great Hall open again. Then nothing. That's the last thing I remember up until, I guess, until I was up in the hospital wing, several hours later, working to distribute the blood treatments in triage.
I've never been so glad to see my wand back again.
There will be other stuff later on, I know, but the only other thing I guess I want to say is I never thought I would ever be so sorry for Draco Malfoy. I can't imagine how he must feel, knowing that his father was involved, murdering children, including some from his own house.
I have to get back to the infirmary.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-24 07:36 pm UTC |
Forget the mace. I guess you don't remember how it was your idea to push the table into that crowd of bastards and knock them down, then?
That was bloody brilliant.
I'm trying to think of it now, really. Just trying to focus on the brilliant things. Ron's potted hand. Remus.
It's the only thing that helps.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-24 07:51 pm UTC |
I've got some biscuits and things if you're hungry. I'm going down to help Seamus again. Do you want to come along?
Maybe we'll see Harry then.
wheresmytoad @ 2004-06-24 07:56 pm UTC |
Oh, thank Merlin. Yes, I'll take some biscuits and anything else you have; I'm absolutely starving. They were passing out soup a couple of times in the hospital wing, but I was always too busy to stop and take any, and I haven't had anything to eat all day.
And yeah, I definitely want to see Harry and whoever else they'll let us see. I haven't seen the final list of all the dead and wounded. Maybe they've posted it in the hospital wing by now.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-24 08:00 pm UTC |
Right then. Let's grab some food and get this over with.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-24 08:12 pm UTC |
I'm right here. I'm sorry, they've had me running about but I can come find you, by Harry if you like, or wherever. You shouldn't have had to look for me, really. I'll come to you but where are you?
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2004-06-24 08:19 pm UTC |
We are in classroom eleven with Remus.
Do you have his wand still?
jadedsirius @ 2004-06-24 08:28 pm UTC |
He just needs it back. He never didn't have his wand with him wherever he went.
The Aurors will let you in when you get here.
wheresmytoad @ 2004-06-24 08:13 pm UTC |
In the hospital wing, last I saw him, unless Madam Pomfrey slipped him a sleeping potion in his tea to make him sack out for awhile. But I know he's wanting to see you, to give you back the wand, and he'd want you to wake him up.
Sir . . . I'm so desperately sorry.